FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
The last update to the site happened in October 2015, more than 5 years ago, so this has been a long time coming.
There are a whole host of new features and improvements that we'll blog about individually and the best thing about having this new site is that it's much easier to update than the old one so we'll continue to add incremental fixes and improvements over the next few weeks and months.
If you notice any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements please post them in the Site Support and Feedback Section
Known Issues
White Flag
Now I have 2 remarks : one being that when I select the menu, two items don't show up (names of the tab to search for players /clubs/..., and the one for RSS).
Secondly I was wondering if it's normal that when I'm checking a team squad, I cannot use the filters (age, ability, value,...) to have different views of the team players ? I remember that with the past version of the website, I was able to press on those items and the listing of players would change instantly.
its great to see new stuff and all but this is too much of a 180 degree of what made it so great, being easy to use! this seems more confusing and unnecesary.
Can you explain what's confusing? I don't know if you're talking about the forums, the data update, the graphics or anything?
ValentÃn Luciani
Are they working now?
No i try to download kits or mega face pack and download not working ...
just tried a few downloads with no issues
The last theme was outdated and this one remains confusing and has too much information.
Can you give more explanation? Perhaps post a detailed thread in here so your issue isn't missed within this announcement thread?
I'm not sure I understand this? The old site had over 100 forums, the new site has 22, it has been significantly streamlined...
The new site is not ergonomic at all, no longer possible to sort by column, cant even search each player cut-outs propely. I dont see the the upper hand.
White Flag
Yes, thanks, all downloads are working now.
Lionel Leow
the new style is ok, but I like the older version more (felt familiar)
Also if im trying to find threads regarding SS Kits i click on SS kits Forum and just takes me to the packs and the general discussions like before.
Again great work!
Quick list of my initial thoughts/suggestions on the Cut Out Forum specifically while browsing about this morning:
- On what was the request section, now the Contribute/Submissions section, there used to be a button for "My Requests" which was very useful but has now gone. I see there is a page to see all your (or anyone elses) previous requests, which is fantastic, but to access this I have to find my username amongst the Contribute/Submissions section, so a quicker way to access this page would be much appreciated. Maybe it could be attached to each user profile?
- Alongside the Search FM Database page there was also a “Search Cut-out Faces” page, which I found incredibly useful, but this seems to have been cut from the new website. I used this feature regularly when compiling team packs, where having access to list of full sized images for each team on display with their in game IDs listed underneath saved a lot of time. Now I would have to click on each individual player’s page to see their current image full size to compare. I’d be very disappointed to not have this feature restored, even if it isn’t listed as prominently on the website as before.
- The new feature displaying all previous cuts for player is fantastic, particularly because it also lists cuts included in teampacks. Hopefully this will save on duplicate requests! I would suggest these pages run from most recent to oldest in post order rather than the other way round, to see the latest requests/cuts for each player first.
Finally as a minor point I've noticed there is no preview post option when posting a new discussion/thread.
Looking forward to getting familiar with everything else - I think the new website is probably just a bit of a shock to get used to
There's also an issue with downloads explained here, which you might want to have a look at.
P.S. Where have all the smilies gone? 🙂
P.P.S. I've created a new site troubleshooting page here so that they don't clog this thread.