18 years ago
2 weeks ago
What clubs/competitions are you experiencing this issue with?

I tried it on Man Utd and Man City games (both in the Champions League) as I was managing in Liga 3 so the only games I could 'attend' were Champions League games.
18 years ago
1 year ago
So if I understand correctly v1.3 is only an update to be installed over v1.0 (etc.)? This would explain why the adboards weren't working after installing only v1.3 and v1.0 is a much larger download.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
So if I understand correctly v1.3 is only an update to be installed over v1.0 (etc.)? This would explain why the adboards weren't working after installing only v1.3 and v1.0 is a much larger download.

You should first install 1.0, then 1.1, then 1.2, then 1.3 and then 1.4, otherwise the file won't work properly.
12 years ago
5 days ago
One thing that nearly caught me up, if you are following the instructions when it gets to step 6 and installing the steam folder with the video ads make sure you actually go in and install to the actual FM2021 folder as the current default path is still FM2020, so if you cut and paste higher up as suggested it goes there instead of the new 2021 folder

May be unrelated to your issue but one for people to keep an eye out for
Many thanks for the tip Clintwits
12 years ago
5 days ago
Great work as always, looking forward to future updates. Thanks @rabcp
Football Manager PRO
12 years ago
2 months ago

I followed your guide and I was able to insert the strings for each team but I was asking if it was possible to insert only the banners for the fans in the integer string of the team (ex: from # 0 to # 20) while for subsequent billboards use those of the competition (eg: 5level Italian). unfortunately, This does not seem possible at the moment. (only static billboards).

Ho seguito le guide e sono riuscito ad inserire le stringhe per ogni squadra ma chiedevo se fosse possibile inserire solo gli striscioni per i tifosi nella stringa integer della squadra (ad es: dal n.0 al n.20) mentre per i cartelloni successivi utilizzare quelli della competizione (es: 5level italiano). Questo al momento non mi sembra possibile putroppo. (cartelloni fissi).
Purtroppo non è semplice spiegarsi in italiano figuriamoci tradurre con google, da noi si dice capire caxxi per palazzi.

About my fm.xml > attachment
18 years ago
1 year ago
I've tried to install the files into FM2021 but I somehow messed up. The game keeps crashing in any situation. Trying to start a new game, trying to load an old save. Unfortunately reinstalling hasn't solved this. Not even manually deleting all the folders in my Documents, User and Steam folders helped.
14 years ago
9 hours ago
Thanks, I'll be producing new/updated Scottish ads for all league clubs over the next few months (time permitting)

Hey bro, thanks for all your work with these ad boards and banners, they’re class!

Any reason why in the attached photo the banners aren’t displaying on the lower tier behind the tv ad boards?? Any help would be great. Thanks mate!
Deleted Account #337576
Can someone create video adboards for Juventus? 🙂

already one made here it is
15 years ago
2 weeks ago

I just played a game at home but I don't see much difference with the file that already existed in rabcp's adboard files. It already had a juventus.ivf but the ads aren't with specific Juventus sponsors.
Deleted Account #337576
I just played a game at home but I don't see much difference with the file that already existed in rabcp's adboard files. It already had a juventus.ivf but the ads aren't with specific Juventus sponsors.

Nothing i can do sorry
15 years ago
2 days ago
Just downloaded back onto fm21. All I'm getting is the original adboards from the game. Followed the instructions to the letter
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Hi rab
I notice in fm 21 playing as Man Utd the banners around the stadium aren't in correct order anymore.
17 years ago
3 weeks ago
This may just be me but I can't find an Adboard for Fulham? It is on the original list and was on FM20 I'm sure, but I can't for the life of me find it in FM21?

Edit: Should add I'm talking about Video Ads
West Walton
16 years ago
10 months ago
18 years ago
8 hours ago
I neither have fulham folder
15 years ago
3 days ago
Hello, I've used the pack in FM20. Excellent work. In FM21 works too, but in the first highlight of the match the video adboards are black and after the first highlight they show up. Is it me that I've done something wrong or is it happening to you also?
9 years ago
4 days ago
am i the only one that i am putting this on FM21 and it shows me Football Manager 2008 adboards???
17 years ago
1 year ago

I followed your guide and I was able to insert the strings for each team but I was asking if it was possible to insert only the banners for the fans in the integer string of the team (ex: from # 0 to # 20) while for subsequent billboards use those of the competition (eg: 5level Italian). unfortunately, This does not seem possible at the moment. (only static billboards).

Ho seguito le guide e sono riuscito ad inserire le stringhe per ogni squadra ma chiedevo se fosse possibile inserire solo gli striscioni per i tifosi nella stringa integer della squadra (ad es: dal n.0 al n.20) mentre per i cartelloni successivi utilizzare quelli della competizione (es: 5level italiano). Questo al momento non mi sembra possibile putroppo. (cartelloni fissi).
Purtroppo non è semplice spiegarsi in italiano figuriamoci tradurre con google, da noi si dice capire caxxi per palazzi.

About my fm.xml > attachment

Sorry but I'm not really sure what you are asking here?

Hey bro, thanks for all your work with these ad boards and banners, they’re class!

Any reason why in the attached photo the banners aren’t displaying on the lower tier behind the tv ad boards?? Any help would be great. Thanks mate!

The stadium model used for Old Trafford has changed in FM21 and it no longer supports adboards in the lower tier, nothing can be done about this

Hi rab
I notice in fm 21 playing as Man Utd the banners around the stadium aren't in correct order anymore.

The patch is not optimised for FM21 therefore, if teams stadium models have changed then the static ads need to be recoded, this is something I have started but it is quite time consuming.

This may just be me but I can't find an Adboard for Fulham? It is on the original list and was on FM20 I'm sure, but I can't for the life of me find it in FM21?

Edit: Should add I'm talking about Video Ads

Fulham do not have video ads, that is a mistake on the listings, however, clubs do not require a folder in order to have video ads.

Hello, I've used the pack in FM20. Excellent work. In FM21 works too, but in the first highlight of the match the video adboards are black and after the first highlight they show up. Is it me that I've done something wrong or is it happening to you also?

This is due to work around for a bug in older FM's the FM21 patch will amend this.

am i the only one that i am putting this on FM21 and it shows me Football Manager 2008 adboards???

What matches are you experiencing this with (clubs/leagues)?
9 years ago
4 days ago
Greek Superleague
12 years ago
4 months ago
hi everyone from version 1.0 up to version 1.4 does this work with fm 21 please? @rabcp
12 years ago
4 months ago
ps: do the panels automatically change depending on the competitions or still not?
17 years ago
1 year ago
Greek Superleague

I have tested numerous Greek games and they are working fine; ensure you have the latest xml file and that the patch is installed in the correct location.

ps: do the panels automatically change depending on the competitions or still not?

The patch working on FM21 with some minor issues, within the FM21 we still need to switch the xml for club or competition ads
West Walton
16 years ago
10 months ago
@rabcp will you make a version for FM21 any time?
13 years ago
1 year ago
I tried it on Man Utd and Man City games (both in the Champions League) as I was managing in Liga 3 so the only games I could 'attend' were Champions League games.

I have the same black boards in the Scottish Premiership. In FM 2020 it worked without problems. So probably no wrong installation on my end.
15 years ago
2 weeks ago
@rabcp will you make a version for FM21 any time?

The current ones work fine in FM21.
13 years ago
1 year ago
I'm still waiting for Inter Milan videoads
I'm trying to make it myself but I don't understand about the code for fm.xml file

@rabcp...did Inter Milan still in your w.i.p list?
West Walton
16 years ago
10 months ago
The current ones work fine in FM21.

Believe me, I've followed all the steps (on the first page here and in the txt-files) and tried doing all the installations maybe three or four times now. Spent hours trying to get it to work. Playing in the Bundesliga and it might be that the league is not working then, I don't know. Really a pity as I love the adboards and appreciate all the work that has been done.

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