SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Please see this comment for a better overview:
My original comment is in the spoiler:
The SS Kits section has been struggling recently. With Hammer being away (as far as i'm away nobody knows why he's suddenly gone offline, hopefully he's okay) it's even worse, since he took on alot of the burden of managing the packs himself.
I don't think we can ask someone else to take on that burden since it was alot of work and it's not totally clear exactly how he was managing it all since alot of it happened via private messages.
Instead I think it would be a good time to make it easier for everyone by moving to a submission system similar to the cut outs and backgrounds. There will no doubt be some initial teething problems but the cut outs has been helped massively by using this submission system and hopefully the SS Kits will too.
You can upload an image here:
You can get an overview of all the submissions here:
What to do now
Please can you try uploading some kits. But remember:
*I'm thinking about adding the ability to set the author when uploading so that other people can gather images from threads but i'm hoping that won't be necessary because the others will have all their kits organised in a folder on their PC.
People with lots of images to upload
If you have created lots of kits for 23/24 already it will be very time consuming to do these one by one. There is an upload pack option but i've currently disabled it because I haven't had the chance to properly test it. If you do have lots of these kits please can you upload them as a zip and attach them to a comment in this thread (or mediafire etc) and I will get them into the system for you. In the future you will be able to do this yourself.
Uploading older images
Please do not upload older images for FM22 and earlier. We already have all of these in the packs. They were previously browseable but this has been temporarily disabled so as not to fill the new system with too much noise. These will be added back in later.
Please only upload images for the 22/23 and 23/24 season
Downloading Images
With the new system we should be able to auto generate zips of leagues/nations etc so there's no manual burden for people to gather the images, zip them and upload them.
You should add some kind of upload-barrier, like you need to have certain kind of rank (e.g. kit-creator) or registration.
I always see quality-problems with such systems.
a big problem is that people create kits but dont share the psd files …
Removed by Footygamer. Original in spoiler
Hi guys
Can someone make FC Porto 2023/2024
Thanks in advance
@TripleA can you please read the first post in the thread and use the new system?
Well it's okay to post bad kits and be told what's wrong with them right? If they're bad they simply don't get enabled and added to packs until they can be improved. Having a barrier to upload would just prevent anyone new from starting.
I agree with this approach 👍 we actually need new people making SS' kits and a approach where they are learned how to instead of not being allowed to submit their attempts. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the project struggles … not being able to invite new people in.
I'd be open to suggestions on how best to organise this.
Do people want PSD files for every kit? How many MBs is a PSD file normally?
There is a thread where everybody is allowed to show his/her work. It is allowed to anyone, no matter if it is bad and needs some updates or if it is perfect. Also everyone can ask the actual kit-makers for help or assistance. I can just speak for me, but all people who do kits are friendly with each other about help or sharing stuff. Just ask. My point is, with a system, where everybody is allowed to upload stuff, you will probably (just my thoughts on this) need more moderation on what is right/wrong or good/bad. Hammer was a great gatekeeper for all that. It is not that I would not allow people to upload their work, even if it is not perfect, I just miss any kind of regulation about it. I really like the implementation of this system, don't get me wrong.
I had no troubles to start, nobody invited me, I just sent something in and was part of the group. For me the reason for no or few new people is, that it is a big workload, even with templates. Research for kits, sponsors, the right kit-template (or doing a mixup) or even doing your own is taking time. Once you finished some leagues, the year is over and people ask you why there is no update on the new season.
about the psd-files:
most of them are shared, if you need some specific and it is not shared, ask the creator
I guess some don't share to the pack because the file is a mess in language and layers
size depends ~ 1-3 MB
Just to avoid any confusion: the PSD files and “templates” are the same 👍
So this relates to getting the templates making up and running again 🙂
Yep I understood that. I wondered if there was value in someone uploading the PSDs for each image as well. Especially since there's talk of making improvements to bad images.
The current system of the template thread isn't working apparently.
What if we had a section when uploading with two options (1) drop-down for what template was used (2) upload a file if the template isn't in the dropdown already.
The system would improve regulation. Anyone can upload but there's a clear “status” icon that any moderator can easily set to decide if it's good enough and it's clear to everyone what decision was made and all kits for the same team are grouped together so you can easily compare them.
That's much better than it being posted 8 pages back in a forum topic with a comment 10 comments further down telling someone if it's okay or not.
Cut Outs also used to be managed in 3 forum topics for years and its been so much better for everyone since it moved to a submission system.
Perhaps I should do more of a tutorial of how it works, I assumed everyone was familiar with the existing systems but I guess not if you've never had reason to use it.
You can see an example of Henrik Larsson here, as you can see there is definitely regulation and it's very clear.
Let's see. I will hope it will be as good as it is planned. The opportunities are definitely great. Just one thing with the Download for leagues/countries: there is a need of a config, will this also get generated?
Yes the generation of config.xml is already coded and working now. Just need the images in the system 🙂
We will likely need some more moderators, we could also add a thumbs up and down button to any kits like we do for the data update (image below).
This would both act for non moderators vouching for it being good as well as a quick way to say thankyou.
Any more thoughts from people? Only a couple of people have given it a go so far.
@Jay Jay Max @bolid74 @tarajos @gianni1970 @Kostas_Panachaiki @carlos6 you are all pretty active, do you have any thoughts or a batch of kits that need uploading? Like I said in the first post if you share it I could do it in bulk to save you the effort 🙂
I think this needs time and patience 🙂 you will perhaps need to explain how the system works and what huge benefits awaits if the system gets up and running. This is put in place to help hammers9 run the project not replace him. The system will help everybody involved in making SS' kits just wait and see. I would recommend everybody involved in making SS' to use the new system and get it up and running. The workload imposed on hammer9 is huge and the system takes some pressure off his shoulders because people upload their finished kits by them self and gathers both packs and single kits submissions in one place where nothing gets lost on hidden pages on forum threads. It also holds the benefits of requests being in one place and people can make one kit or several kits without been herashed because they are listed somewhere as WIP on a specific league. Just take a look and see how great the system works for cut outs 🙂👍
well, my problem in these types of stories is always going to be the language. sometimes the translator does not do it correctly and he is a mess. I think that image by image would be a small delay, the whole package is better and you don't have stories. I also understand that maybe there are people who only want a single kit but hey, I don't know how it works either, I'm telling you that the language is a problem for me. I will try to do what I can.
Hopefully the translation shouldn't be too much of an issue. Nothing should change right now from what you're already doing. If you have a zip file ready of kits, please share it in this thread and i'll make a video showing you how you can upload it.
If you have a single kit, you just use this form instead of posting it as a comment.
And it's not about downloading single kits, with the Cut Outs Faces people don't download single kits. It all gets built into packs automatically and it's not reliant on a single person like Hammer to do it, this will be the same.
If you let me know your primary language I can find someone else to help rather than use an auto translator 🙂
But to simplify it if the above was hard to understand, please just try to understand this: If you have kits on your computer please zip them up and post them in this thread as an attachment or a mediafire link.
We were discussing whether it was worthwhile allowing people to share PSD's of every kit but I think for now that would be too big a change.
Here's a good example of how a timeline looks you can you've clearly got the source image and a new completed kit for Werder Bremen: thanks for the upload @Shooto
On this page it shows all kits for the Bundesliga. I could update this to make it clearer when a source is available for a particular kit.
And on this page it shows how many kits have been completed and how many teams there are total, I could update this to show a count for how many pending sources there are as well.
There are lots of ways the system could be improved, i'm open to all suggestions 🙂
Also i'm still looking for anyone that has a pack of kits ready to go as a zip so I can test the pack upload feature, this will make it alot easier for everyone than doing it one by one.
When should we expect kits for 23/24 Premier league season?
Mid - late August as there are alot of kits with difficult patterns, if you check page 333 of the official kit thread you can find the ones that have been made so far
@Footygamer a lot of kits have been made for the 22/23 season. Could you not populate the submission/browsing system with those? I don't think a complete empty system does anything good for the project 👍🙂
@Qvordrup I could but I also didn't want to confuse things with people not knowing where they came from or all being attributed to my username.
I assumed that kit creators would have a folder on their computer with kits that they've made, or links to mediafire that they've previously sent @hammer9 but so far nobody has shared any or explained why my assumption is wrong so i'm not sure how to proceed.
Could any kit makers clarify if you do have your created kits on your computer and can easily zip them up?
I still think the problem is that people are used to “hammer9” doing everything and there obvious also is a language barrier. I understand that all the uploads should not be in your user name. Any easy way of putting the right name of the kit maker on, if you upload all the 22/23 seasons kits? There will be confusion no matter what we do 🙂 again this will take a long time, patience and persistence to get up and running 👍
I'm going with patience for now and waiting for the first person willing to share a zip that I can test the pack upload with 🙂
Once I can get test the pack uploading working and do a video showing it that should help with the understanding, language barrier and effort required.
How about as an alternative, rather than kit makers changing how they do things we could still simply have the submission system for requests with sources only. That way they're all organised and new people can understand the system and how to make a request.
Then the collection of completed images into packs still happens the old way. But we can work directly with @hammer9 to come up with some improvements that makes his life easier for him and anyone else can easily step in if he's offline for whatever reason.
I'm open to all suggestions.