Kurmanbek Nurlanbekov - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
@mons Hello, this is not Nurlanbekov
@mons Hello, this is not Nurlanbekov
Following @Mateee's above post, can you provide some evidence as to who this cut-out belongs to?
Following @Mateee's above post, can you provide some evidence as to who this cut-out belongs to?
and maybe find the correct photo of Nurlanbekov yourself if my link ( https://www.sofascore.com/player/kurmanbek-nurlanbekov/1473391 ) with his photo is wrong.
and maybe find the correct photo of Nurlanbekov yourself if my link ( https://www.sofascore.com/player/kurmanbek-nurlanbekov/1473391 ) with his photo is wrong.
Yep, that's why I asked him, because I've had (albeit rare) instances where the image on sofascore wasn't correct.
@mons Current cutout belongs to Arslan Bekberdinov
The only photos of Kurmanbek Nurlanbekov I was able to find are this from circa January 2022 (on right) and this from October 2019 when he would've been 15 years old unfortunately.
@mons Current cutout belongs to Arslan Bekberdinov
The only photos of Kurmanbek Nurlanbekov I was able to find are this from circa January 2022 (on right) and this from October 2019 when he would've been 15 years old unfortunately.
@mons Current cutout belongs to Arslan Bekberdinov
The only photos of Kurmanbek Nurlanbekov I was able to find are this from circa January 2022 (on right) and this from October 2019 when he would've been 15 years old unfortunately.
@mons there is also this https://scontent.fwaw8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/335898966_183515031089930_1432222633957583124_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&cb=99be929b-59f725be&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HNvoSJvelzUAX8r0sOw&_nc_ht=scontent.fwaw8-1.fna&oh=00_AfCVuq7PFOeDK4WaYQyhG_NuxWjbnjqAwGVGG3u6kEOZUQ&oe=64D57FDD he is in blue on the left. It was posted in March. Should be enough for 180x180
Following @Mateee's above post, can you provide some evidence as to who this cut-out belongs to?
Hello, sorry only just saw this - It was an old pic of Arslan Bekberdinov from 2019/20 I think but looks like his photo is sorted now. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/arslan-bekberdinov/profil/spieler/765414
@mons Hello, this is not Nurlanbekov