2024/25 Serbia database down to level 4 (Srpske lige and Zone), relegation to level 5.
U19 (Omladinske) level 3 with relegation to level 4.
4 Regional cups - 23 District cups (Okružni)
Fixed VAR and EU foreigner rules thanks to mrek.
Fixed loan and substitution rules
2024/25 Promotion / Relegation
2024/25 League and club records
2024/25 Club and league UEFA coefficients
Superliga real fixtures for 2024/25
New Zone Istok 4x12 clubs with Playoff / Play out
Zone Vojvodina Playoff for 2nd placed and best 3rd placed team
Zone and Srpske Beograd 14 teams
District cup winners qualify for Regional cups
Created many missing clubs and stadiums
-National stadium
Local Media (Newspapers, TV, Radio, Websites)
Finances, Awards, Regional Reserves and more.
14.582 changes
There is also a FM22 Version (2023/24).
Level 1
Super liga Srbije
Level 2
Prva liga Srbije
Level 3
Srpska liga Vojvodina
Srpska liga Beograd
Srpska liga Istok
Srpska liga Zapad
Level 4
Vojvođanske zone (3 groups)
Zona Beograd
Zone Istok (4 groups)
Zone Zapad (3 groups)
U19 level 1
Omladinska liga Srbije
U19 level 2
Prva omladinska liga Beograda
Prva omladinska liga FSRZS
Omladinska liga Vojvodine
Omladinska liga FSRIS (2 groups)
U19 level 3
Druga omladinska liga Vojvodine (2 groups)
Druga beogradska liga
Druga omladinska liga FSRIS (2 groups)
Druga omladinska liga FSRZS (2 groups)
National cup
Kup Srbije
Regional cups
Kup FS Vojvodine
Kup FS Beograda
District cups
Kup Šumadijskog okruga
Kup Raškog okruga
Kup FS Kolubarskog okruga
Kup Zlatiborskog okruga
Kup FS Moravičkog okruga
Kup FS Podunavskog okruga
Kup Mačvanskog okruga
Kup FS Braničevskog okruga
Kup PFS Zrenjanin
Kup PFS Sombor
Kup PFS Subotica
Kup PFS Grad Novi Sad
Kup PFS Srem
Kup Južnog Banata
Kup FS Jablaničkog okruga
Kup FS Pčinjskog okruga
Kup FS Topličkog okruga
Kup FS Zaječarskog okruga
Kup FS Nišavskog okruga
Kup FS Pirotskog okruga
Kup FS Pomoravskog okruga
Kup FS Borskog okruga
Kup FS Rasinskog okruga
Bonus: Reserves
Liga rezervnih timova Vojvodina
Liga rezervnih timova Beograd
Liga rezervnih timova Istok
Liga rezervnih timova Zapad
-When starting a new game, check "Add players to playable teams"
-When starting a new game, uncheck "Do not add key staff"
--To manage your club's U19 matches, make sure you do not have an U19 manager/head coach, and take control of friendly matches in "Staff Responsibilities > Matches" yourself.
Compatible with TRANSFER and player updates like sortitoutsi “sortitoutsi.net FM24 Data Update - Changes.fmf” file
Data is compatible with anything that doesn't change Serbia
Logos are compatible with anything that doesn't create completely new competitions, otherwise they might use the same ID (it's fine)
Cheers, and enjoy the game!
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I noticed that in “Srpske lige” clubs have transfer policy which says that they're not allowed to sign non-Serbian players. Is that a league rule, will it change upon promotion to Prva liga or Superliga?
Yes, it will change upon promotion.
Srpske lige and below are set to 0 foreign players in match squad, so your club automatically sets the transfer policy to no foreigners. (I know, you can't stack foreign regens early on)
When promoted to Prve lige the rule is 2 non-EU players in match squad - then you can buy all the foreigners you want.
Super liga rules are 4 non-EU players in match squad.
Fixed a negligible group naming mistake in Lige rezervnih timova (changed group naming from “North/South” to Numbers)
amazing job !
Thanks for the response - great job creating this!
Pozdravljam,kada skinem fajl ne mogu da ga extraktujem u editor data pise mi da je FDF neki format i nije vidljiv u igri,imas li neko resenje?
Pozdrav. Nemam pojma šta je problem.
-Fixed multiple missing full (long) club names for clubs in Vojvodina region
-Fixed EU and VAR rules (thanks to mrek)
Thanks for your work! I'd like to know if you plan to reach the last tier, second municipal leagues (I guess only Jagodina municipal league system has a second subtier).
Keep on like this!
No plans, due to very little in-game player data for lower tiers, and the amount of work it would take.
-Updated for FM 24.3
-Updated points deduction for some clubs in Srpske lige and Zone
-Removed some loan limitations
-Updated Competition Logos for lower leagues (IDs changed with 24.3 update)
-2024/25 Promotion / Relegation for Super liga, Prva liga, Srpske.
-2024/25 Zone partially (Waiting for real life Zone play-offs - next update)
-2024/25 Omladinska liga-Prve omladinske Promotion (Prve omladinske relegation in next update)
-2024 Club and league coefficients
-Super liga stats (Top 3 history, Club league stats, Top scorers, Igrač kola, Igrač sezone, Mladi igrač sezone, Trener sezone)
-Prva liga stats (Top 3 history, Club league stats, Top scorers)
-Srpske lige stats (Top 3 history, Club league stats, Top scorers)
-Zone stats (Club league stats, Top scorers)
-Regional cup winners (FSB and FSV, waiting for FSRIS and FSRZS data)
-Regional cup winner now realistically qualifies for National cup
-Srpska liga Beograd 14 club format does not verify properly, have to use 16 for now
-Omladinska liga stats (Top 3 history, Top scorers)
-Prve omladinske lige (Top 3 history, Top scorers, *waiting for relegation info)
-National stadium (National team, National Cup Final and Semi-Final matches)
-Removed points deductions
-Updated finances
-Srpske and Zone will now save detailed history
-Over 9400 Database Changes and improvements
-Final 2.0 data in 10-15 days
-Detailed info about changes in the zip or here
Charles van Nes
Can i use your mod even if i just started my 2023/2024 season?
-Srpska liga and Zona Beograd 14 teams
Unfortunately, you have to start a new game.
Charles van Nes
I am sorry, but i mean will your league work if i start a new game (with your league) and start in season 2023-2024? It says 2024-2025 update in the description! I hope i made myself more clearer!
I see, thanks for the clarification. Yes, the game will always start in 2023/24, but with updated leagues.
Charles van Nes
Your upcoming update will be the last and final update?
Charles van Nes
2.0 in a few days after all the promotion play-offs are finished in real life, with thousands of new database changes.
Charles van Nes
So if i want to start and play a new career with the current league ( i start on July 10 2023) i use the 1.9 instead of the upcoming 2.0?
1.9 already has 2024 promotion and relegation for top 2 leagues (it will just start in 2023 regardless since that's when the FM24 starts), but if you want more features my advice is to wait a few days. It should come out before the Euros.
Svaka čast
Charles van Nes
v2.0, Final update
-Added 23 Okružni cups (see list below)
-Super liga real fixtures 2024/25
-Okružni (district) cup winners qualify for Regional cup
-Zone Istok 4x12 + Playoff and Play Out
-Srpska and Zona Beograd 14 teams
-Zone Zapad 3x14 + promotion playoff
-Vojvodina 3x16 + Playoff for three 2nd placed and one best 3rd placed team
-U19 level 3 (Druge omladinske - Druga beogradska, Druga omladinska liga Vojvodine, Druga omladinska FSRZS, Druga omladinska FSRIS) semi-real to allow more playable clubs to have competitive U19s. Relegation to level 4.
-Fixed Srpske and Zone "bonus player" rules
-Added last winner and finalist for some competitions (2024, in-game 2023)
-New affiliations (C. Zvezda-Slavija Istočno Sarajevo, Partizan-Rudar Prijedor)
-Vojvodina vice-president Milan Mandarić
-Added rankings for all competitions
-Finances and reputation for promoted and relegated clubs
-Added awards to all competitions
-Serbian regional media sources
-Many newly created clubs, stadiums and logos
-14.582 changes and improvements
District cups added:
-Kup Šumadijskog okruga
-Kup Raškog okruga
-Kup FS Kolubarskog okruga
-Kup Zlatiborskog okruga
-Kup FS Moravičkog okruga
-Kup FS Podunavskog okruga
-Kup Mačvanskog okruga
-Kup FS Braničevskog okruga
-Kup PFS Zrenjanin
-Kup PFS Sombor
-Kup PFS Subotica
-Kup PFS Grad Novi Sad
-Kup PFS Srem
-Kup Južnog Banata
-Kup FS Jablaničkog okruga
-Kup FS Pčinjskog okruga
-Kup FS Topličkog okruga
-Kup FS Zaječarskog okruga
-Kup FS Nišavskog okruga
-Kup FS Pirotskog okruga
-Kup FS Pomoravskog okruga
-Kup FS Borskog okruga
-Kup FS Rasinskog okruga
Charles van Nes
Thank you for all the hard work you put into this awesome mod! And that it is compatible with other leagues!
Take care, have FM24fun and till FM25