URAN Ultra Realistic Newgan Faces Megapack
Newgans (also known as Regens) are players the game generates as you play, the fake players that join your youth team. Download this Ultra Realistic Regen Player Faces Megapack to give these players super realistic faces in Football Manager instead of the awful player faces the game generates by default.
This pack is known as URAN which stands for “Ultra Realistic Allocated Nationally”. When combined with FM.Z Tool AI faces will accurately be linked with your newgens based on both ethnicity and nationality for the most realistic experience possible.
With this megapack new young players that the game generators will have realistic photographs of players faces. Thanks to the FM.zweierkette Community
- 55,244
- 2024.01 - Released on 09 Sep 2024

Installation Instructions
Follow these steps to install realistic newgen/regen faces in football manager.
This guide is the latest version and supersedes the original NewGan Manager Guide. Use that guide if you've previously used the NewGan Manager and are continuing an existing save with old configs. In all our other instances use this new guide.
Step 1) Extract the Zip
Once you've downloaded the Newfan Faces Megapack you should have a .zip file somewhere on your computer called something like “newgan_faces.zip” (the name may change to include a version number in the future that's fine).
You'll need to extract this file which is very easy to do:
Apple: Unzip Newgan Faces Megapack on Mac
To unzip the Newgan Faces Megapack on a Mac you can simply double click it.
Windows: Unzip Newgan Faces Megapack on Windows
To unzip the Newgan Faces Megapack on Windows simply right click and click “Extract All”
Step 2) Move the folder
Once you've extracted the zip file you should have a folder called “players” you will need to move this to a special location where all your Football Manager Add Ons are stored.
Apple: Where to put the Newgan Faces Megapack on Mac
You will need to copy the folder to this location:
/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/graphics
You may find it difficult to find this exact location, to make it easier, use the following instructions:
a) Open Finder
b) Click “Go” from the menubar and select “Go to Folder” (alternatively press Shift+CMD+G)
c) Copy in the following: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/
d) Open the “Football Manager 2024” folder
e) Open the “graphics” folder (or created it if it doesn't exist)
f) Move the “players” folder into this folder and rename it something more useful like ”AI Newgen Faces"
Windows: Where to put the Newgan Faces Megapack on Windows
Simply move the “players” folder to the following location and rename it something more useful like ”AI Newgen Faces"
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/graphics
If you don't have a “graphics” folder simply create it 🙂
Step 3) Download and Install FM.Z Tools
Visit this page to download FM.Z Tools. There is a version for both Windows and Mac.
When you download it you will be greeted by a .zip file. Follow the same steps as in Step (1) to unzip this file.
Windows Installation
When you download it you will be greeted by a .zip file. Follow the same steps as in Step (1) to unzip this file.
You should see a structure like this
- filters
- is newgen search filter.fmf
- views
- SCRIPT FACES player search.fmf
- SCRIPT FACES shortlist.fmf
- SCRIPT FACES squad.fmf
- SCRIPT FACES staff.fmf
- dist
- FMZ Tools v1.0.msi
Double click on the following file FMZ Tools v1.0 Installer Windows/dist/NewGAN-Manager.msi This will then install the program on your computer.
Then copy the “views” and “filters” folders to the following location:
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/filters
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/views
Mac Installation
When you download it you will be greeted by a .zip file. Follow the same steps as in Step (1) to unzip this file.
Double click on the file called FMZ Tools v1.0 Installer Mac.dmg

Drag the “FMZ Tools.app” icon onto the “Applications” icon.
Then drag the “views” and “filters” folders to the following location:
Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/filters
Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/views
Step 4) Open the FM.Z Tools
Open the FM.Z Tools application as you would any other program on your computer.
You may receive an error on Mac
“FM.Z Tools.app”cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.”
To get around this simply go to Library > Applications find FM.Z Tools and click Right Click > Open and then select “Open”
When you open the tool you will see something like this:

Step 5) Generating an RTF File in Football Manager
Now follow these instructions very carefully:
- Now open Football Manager and load your saved game.
- Click the FM Icon > Add New Manager and add a new manager
- (The reason for this is because your manager can be limited by your clubs scouting network, unemployed managers can view all players)

- Now playing as the new manager click “Shortlist” on the left
- Then click “New Search” in the top right (It may also say “Edit Search”)
- Now in the bottom left click the ⚙️ settings cog icon > Manager Filters

- Click “import” in the top right
- Now you should see a file called “is newgen search filter” select it and then click “load” in the bottom right
- If you don't see “is newgen search filter” then you've put the “filters” folder in the wrong place in the last step
- Now back on the screen we just were click ⚙️ again and now “is newgen seach filter”

- A new filer will now popup that looks like this:

- Now make sure the search isn't excluding your own players by clicking “Exclude” and making sure “Own Players” is unchecked.

- Click “Ok” to search and you will see some search results.
- Warning: If you have too many results e.g. 10,000 + you may find the next few steps to be very slow or crash you can use other filters like age to make the number of results smaller.
- Now click the dropdown button that lets you customise the view (you may also be more familiar with right clicking the table headings)
- Then click on Custom > Import View

- You should see the views from the views folder that you moved in the last step. If you don't you did something wrong there.

- Now click “SCRIPT FACES player search” and then click “Load”
- Now the player search results will look a little weird. That's fine, it's actually meant to look like that, ignore it.

- Now click on one of the players in the list and click Ctrl + A (windows) or Cmd + A (mac) it may hang for a minute or two if you have thousands of players. DO NOT get impatient and click anywhere else on the page, just wait for it.
- Now click the “FM” Icon and “Print Screen”

- Then make sure that “Text File” is selected

- Click okay and give your file a name such as newganfaces.
- Now remember the place we've been to twice already where we put the faces and the views and filters folders. Go there again and you should see a file called “newganfaces.rtf” or whatever you called it.
Mac: Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/newganfaces.rtf
Windows: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/newganfaces.rtf
Step 7) Using the FM.Z Tool

- Where it says “Create Profile” give it a name, something that relates to your save. Then click “Create” then where it says “Select Profile” click the dropdown to select the recently created profile.
- Where it says “Select Image” browse to the folder where we put the newgan faces e.g.
Mac: Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Newgan Faces Megapack/
Windows: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Newgan Faces Megapack/
- Where it says “RTF File” browse to where we saved the RTF file.
Mac: Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/newganfaces.rtf
Windows: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/newganfaces.rtf
- If you're doing this for the first time make sure that “Mode” is set to “Generate” if not you may want to consider using “Preserve” instead to keep the faces you've set previously.
- Now click “Replace Faces”
- You will see some loading animation and a success message.
- If you want to confirm that it worked. Check for a config.xml in the location you just selected for “Select Image”
Mac: Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Newgan Faces Megapack/
Windows: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX/Newgan Faces Megapack/
Step 8) Reset your FM Graphics Cache
Now you'll need to reset your Football Manager Graphics Cache to make sure it picks up the new files.
Simply follow these instructions:
a) Open Football Manager
b) Click Preferences on the start screen (or if you're already in a game FM Logo > Preferences)
c) Click the “Advanced” tab
d) On the right hand side select “interface”
e) Scroll down the Skin Heading
f) Uncheck “Use caching to decrease page loading times”
g) Tick “Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences”

h) Click “Reload Skin”

And now all the faces should be appearing for your newgens
You should go back into the preferences and follow the same steps but this time tick “Use caching to decrease page loading times”, this will help with the long term performance of the game, but needed to be unticked to install these graphics.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will have to reload the skin as per the installation instructions each time as well.
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Danny Vitoria
I have a question, after running the fmz once and getting the newgan faces, then when it comes time to do it again for the newly created Regens, running the fmz again will replace the faces you already got in the first time you ran it? I'm just wondering, because it would be strange to have the players faces modified again. Thank you.
Did you read the instructions?
“Step 7) Using the FM.Z Tool”
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmMC7KDzBno (about 9:00… if you don't bother to watch the entire video.) (This is NewGAN Manager, but works very much the same as FMZ Tools.)
Danny Vitoria
Thanks, I did everything right, got the newgan faces, my question is the next time I need to do the process again to generate the faces for the newly created regens, if the faces I alread got from the first time will be modified again.
As replied above:
Read the “Installation Instructions” above (How to install URAN Ultra Realistic Newgan Faces Megapack: Step 7) and/or Watch the video (from about 9:00), please.
Excellent - now working fine!
Arnold Biggit
Anybody else getting no response when clicking “replace faces” on Mac? I have ensured the file path is correct as previously advised.
are you using FMZ Tools or NewGAN Manager? I was using the latter and having the same issue but worked fine when I switched to the former.
Arnold Biggit
FMZ Tools on an M1 Pro Mac, 14.6.1
The FMZ tools will start to load and then fail can anyone help please
Please help I can’t open FMZ tools for the newgan face pack
Please run as administrator for the FMZ Tools application as it requires admin level.
I have that has not worked
Contact support using discord https://discord.gg/fm-zweierkette-366282968534089740
Tried that too they told me the Same as you and haven’t answered since yesterday
I had similar issue but when I changed the app to run as admin it worked without issue.
Maybe try to reinstall?
Got it working with no issues with the players but when i'm putting on the filter with the staff faces the view doesnt change so im getting real life staff plus newgens. Any idea what i could be doing wrong?
fmz tool only work with URAN pack, for NewGan pack you should download newGAN manager
Finn. zh11
Same for me… Is there a fix for this?
You're doing nothing wrong, the staff filter won't remove real faces. When you replace them the RTF file only picks out the R- staff so only your “regen staff” will have new faces.
For the players is running, but wen i do to the staffs .. dont replace. On app a make the generate and dont do nothing .. what im doind wrong ? Can some on welp ?? Staff Newgen Faces*
Also having this problem. I installed this correctly in FM20 with the Newgan manager but not having success with this new app. On mac as well, whenever I hit “replace faces” nothing happens.
Has anyone struggling with this problem found a fix?
Question - I'm not a fan of the actual URAN faces - Some of them are absolutely ASTOUNDING quality, but it varies a lot, as just many are just… Really poorly cropped, or terrible proportions, where the neck is virtually half the height of the image. Would I be able to sort the NewGAN faces into the same folder and naming structure as you use, and still use FM.Z tools - Would that work? Would that assign faces correctly?
Dev Kapur
I'm on Mac, I can't find the image directory and rtf file when using FMZ tools as in step 7. When I click on application support as instructed, I don't see Sports Interactive. Please help
Hi. I have done all the instructions up to step 7. I have got an RTF and downloaded the photos and moved them into the correct place. I follow the instructions for step 7 but when i click replace faces nothing happens and I have no idea why…anyone seen this before?
Have attached some photos for context.
@BoBzls i noticed on the image you had the location of the pack as:
Graphics/AI Faces
I assume the pack you have is within this folder such as:
Graphics/AI Faces/URAN/players/male
if the above is the case then you must select the URAN folder on Select Image Directory so when the program runs it automatically starts the process using players folder
@Footygamer if you can please update opening post as new video and some slight changes have been made to the FM page https://fm.zweierkette.de/en/uran-facepack-en/
@Evil-Muffin7 you're right I forgot to update the first post, that's the issue with having similar content in different places. It should be fixed now.
Samuel Barrett
I’m currently running 2 saves with the newgan faces loaded, but when I switch saves the faces change, is there a way to help this? I seen that you need to change the configs but I’m unsure how to do that.
So, if I understand correctly, you've done the regen process successfully… Do you remember what you get at the end?
The end product is a file named “config.xml”. This is the file that stores the information about the assignment of the players' photos.
When you play in your Save Game A and create photos for regen, it generates a config.xml file. Say, later, when you start a new save game (let's call it “Save Game B”), you are to generate a different config.xml for this game.
Suppose you understand this: These 2 save games are not going to share the same information, because each game has their own regen players…
So, the question is: When you generate photos for regen players in Save Game B, did you back up the config.xml of Save Game A? If you overwrite or append the data of Save Game B to the config.xml of Save Game A, then you may have made a mess!
It's like… floor plans of a building: Level 1 and 2 have their own floor plan. You go to Level 1, you bring the correct version with you…
So, the important step to do: Make sure you take care of the config.xml of each save game, e.g. backup. Then, when you play Save Game A, you need to have the corresponding config.xml in the right folder… naturally. Same for Save Game B…
Then, it's up to you how to manage or back up the files…
Oh, remember to clean the cache every time you replace the file to another.
If you don't understand what I wrote above, or you've no clue how to manage those config.xml files, then you may try the reference below… as others may explain better. In case, you're still confused, then I'd suggest that you'd better stick with a single save game to avoid any heartbreak… if you accidentally destroy a config file.
It's not complicated, but need to be very careful.
Samuel Barrett
Its all good I’ve managed to sort it now, I copied the Newgan facepack and renamed it so when I click on the file on FMZ.tools it creates a different config as technically using a different Newgan
pack just under another name. Thanks though!