Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 485,166
- 2025.02 - Released on 07 Jan 2025
@tv_capper it didn't crash I just had to do everything manually this time because of breaking. Should be ready soon.
@Footygamer When I try to submit a record for Highest Transfer fee spent (or Recieved) - I'm not allowed
The site gives the following message The score attributes.currency id field is required
There is a currency drop down selector but there are no choices to select
@Footygamer @mons Just an idea for a potential feature to improve Source links theme: Adding source images sites to team Browse images screen - official and unofficial sites, FB pages, IG pages and etc. It can be useful for a cutter who want to update a particular lower league team, but he can't find good source images. May be a discussion will be needed how to be done if you like it - who can add/remove links, if they should be manually approved and etc.
May be it could be useful to add a button leading to Submission Pending Sources for this team (or the yellow pending sign from Recently active). to check if there is already pending sources too
Do you mean the same source links that appear in the data update? Because these can easily be added.
Some sort of automated categorisation of the images from each source could be possible as well (e.g. see all the photos on one page in a grid rather than loading each url individually).
Not exactly. For cut outs there is no need to proof every source image. I meant to add official site of the club (or other links) in Browse system (these sites may be will have to be added manually). When you browse a team and you see that most of the players have outdated cuts, you (as a cutter) decide to update them and if you have direct access to their official site/FB page or etc. here, you can have a quick look if they have good enough sources, no matter they aren't uploaded here as sources.
Basically it's an idea to create a database with useful official links for cutters (which can be used for data updates also). Like this one @mons created in Source Links, but to be more visible and to have easier access to it.