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yeah same got a season ticket also go to quite a few away games probs about 12 last season including Ipswich and Bristol City
Ah good effort! I went to 7 away actually, forgot about Millwall in the FA Cup. Trying to erase those two games from my memory, particularly the Ewood one.
Hard to say really, Bowyer deserves a decent chance after rescuing us twice last season with two good spells. I'm still a little worried about the midfield, Lowe, Marrow and Williamson will all put a decent shift in and work hard enough but there's nobody really there with any technical or creative quality. Thankfully it looks like Bowyer is trying to bring somebody in. Didn't include Dunn 'cos a) he may have to play just behind Rhodes and b) I'd wrap him in cotton wool until Burnley away in September!!
Love O'Driscolls playing style, was brilliant for Doncaster, really wish we'd have got him when he was linked with us.
What a gobshite.
I'd be surprised if we dicked on them, tbh.
Hope we go back to Japan again sometime, much rather play competitive pre-season games and lose than go and smash the Guam All-Star 11 14-0 just for the PR boost.
ha ha cheers also yeah they weren't good games the one at Ewood was awful Shittu just headed everything away.
Yeah would agree with that he did and they all run around and Williamson looked good towards end of last season but is very injury prone and yeah he has said he is looking for more midfield players. And ha ha he might depending on how much Rochina plays and ha ha yeah ! Where is your season ticket to sit for the home games ?
Yeah it was terrible wasn't it, Appleton's tactics just seemed to be 'lump it forward' and Shittu got there every time. We made him look ace.
The Williamson and Jones partnership at the end of last season was okay I thought, steady enough for the Championship, but as you say he's injury prone and we didn't get Jones permanently. I really like Rochina, he can be frustrating at times but he's so naturally talented. Just needs to improve his decision making and he'd be a hell of a player. DJ Campbell could be out for up to 2 months BBC Lancs said
I sit in the Jack Walker upper tier near the Blackburn End. Not the best atmosphere but the atmosphere is poor in every stand now, apart from that top corner of the Darwen End. You?
yeah it was that all we did for 90 minutes straight it didn't work once.
Yeah it was good but as you say we never got Jones and yeah I like Rochina just find him very inconsistent but too be fair he has never been 1st choice under any manager. Saw that real shame
I sit in the Jack Walker lower tier right next to the dugout and it aint the best atmosphere good seat though but as you say there isn't really much anyway other than in the top corner of the Darwen End.
ha ha I will make one !
2-0 Jelavic.
Only a pre season game but it's amazing seeing how different we play compared to under Moyes. Jelavic is staying central, not running the channels and looking sharper. Coleman is unbelievable. The key is Gibson tho, he drops deep and gets the ball then pings it everywhere with ease. Everything has gone through him in all of of pre season friendlies so far.
We have been playing crap but yeah you look very good and we didn't really get anywhere near you. 3-1 now least we got one back Scott Dann.
Almost a giant killing for you then. Better luck next time.
King Luis
Number 1
His goal was so cool.
What? I mean WHAT?
Number 1
Both us and Blackpool have Wonga as sponsors, so the game is unofficially referred to as such.
Coincidentally one of our friendlies still to come is at Rangers, which is unofficially the Sports Direct Derby as Mike Ashley also owns a stake in them.
Bristol City vs Rangers a while ago was called the "Blackthorn Cup" for the same reason that the Wonga derby is such.
Number 1
Aye I saw the photos - for a second I thought it was a Robins training match before the brain realised Rangers had Blackthorn as sponsors. Something it shouldn't have done as, for some reason, they were accidentally selling some of Rangers kit in our online club shop a while ago.