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You forgot Ronaldo's coming home.
Great signing he ended up being.
If both are had, that's a damn fine transfer window.
Based Jorge
Fantastic stuff
Based Jorge
They're pretty reliable and seem to have some sort of direct line to LVG so could well be true, about €100m so makes sense as a figure.
No names mentioned, but if we did spend that money it would have to be someone insane.
Why do you hate Giroud. He's Arsenal's best player ffs.
EDIT: Actually no that'll be Ramsey.
Careful or Telegram Sam will start posting nude pictures of Giroud again.
Based Jorge
Against Newcastle he is
Coincidently we're playing you on the weekend so if he scores like he usually does it'll be an excuse for Wenger not to buy anyone even though he has 1 goal in his last 10 starts
£60M is fucking ridiculous.
I guess i can't really comment as I've not seen him play, but £60M for a player who couldn't get into Chelsea's first team. Really? I don't know what happened with him at Chelsea but that much money is a massive risk.
Granted he's had a brilliant season in the Bundesliga, but after failing once in English football, will he settle in and do well this time?
Based Jorge
Has the capability of putting 5 past anyone in the League
Pardew is very committed to not marking Giroud. He's absolutely passionate about the subject.
Steven Taylor should do a bit better against him.
It is indeed insane.
Bring back the days when Zidane was the record transfer for almost 10 years. Now very good (not world class) players are going for more than Zizou himself.
He wanted first team reassurance. He wanted to play week in, week out, something that Mourinho couldn't offer. Thus, KdB didn't wish to fight for a position and requested to leave.
£109m for Sterling and KdB.
Allow your mind to process that.
It's a pretty bad fuck up on Chelsea's part however you wish to paint it.
Mourinho by this point had made his mind up on Mata. Most normal clubs would have just given De Bruyne the game time that he needed. Instead you signed Willian for £30m and let De Bruyne leave for a cut price fee.
Not quite as bad a fuck up as Fergie/Pogba but its entirely similar.
Eh, not really. We let go of a player who 1) wasn't good enough at the time to displace those in front of him on a regular basis. 2) was not willing to tough it out and earn a position, opposed to just being given one as some form of entitlement. Which he was told when Mourinho came back, despite being reassured he would be apart of the first team (which he was), there were no guarantees. This didn't sit well with KdB and he had a sook before requesting to leave. The club made more than double the money we originally signed him for and was good business. No point keeping a player who wanted out, and by all reports was not putting in much effort with training and showed a poor attitude on top.
FWIW. - He started the first 2 games of the season vs Hull and Man Utd, came off the bench vs Fulham and then started the COC games vs Swindon and Arsenal. Came off the bench in three CL games vs Schalke, Basel and Steaua and then started against Sunderland in the next COC match. He hardly shone in any of those games either. Maybe if he had of, he'd have more ground to stand on for a regular spot, but he didn't and opted to take his toys elsewhere.
The KdB of 2013/14 was not worth nearly £60m, nor is the current one tbf. I'll be very interested to see what happens if he gets dropped and has to actually fight for a start, something he's not had to do at Wolfburg.
All this because Mourinho doesn't have the patience for anything other than a quick fix. Sometimes young players don't set the world alight straight away, and sometimes they're wildly inconsistent. It's a frustration that United fans know well and something we experienced with Ronaldo and are now experiencing again with Januzaj.
Everyone knew De Bruyne was talented, had you been inclined to you could easily have given him a proper run of first team games (by Mourinho's own admission you weren't going to win the title that year anyway, so there seems no better time).
It's clearly a balls up, whether it costs you more than just financially remains to be seen.
Did nothing I just said compute with you? We sold a player WHO WANTED OUT because he WASN'T HAPPY about NOT BEING GUARANTEED A FIRST TEAM SPOT. Who also had a POOR ATTITUDE in training. What more do you expect? He was given a chance initially. We were aware he was talented (hence why we signed him to begin with) but he didn't wish to stay and fight for a first team place. Just like Lukaku didn't wish to stay and fight for a spot. He could have been an absolute flop at Wolfsburg and it would be a non-issue. Obviously, he's done well in Germany in a side where he was guaranteed a regular position and had little competition for a place. That's football.
What next, you'll start blaming a side like Burnley for only selling a clearly talented John Stones for £3m to Everton when Everton could now be selling him for excess of £30m? Or any other transfer where a player is sold to another club for a small fee, before that club eventually sells said player on again for considerably more to someone else.
If KdB had more fight in him and a better attitude (see Zouma) then he'd quite possibly would have been a regular fixture for us now. Instead, he took the easy route out. It has absolutely nothing to do with Mourinho being impatient or not giving him a shot. In the end we doubled our money at the time when his career could have gone either way.
So we didn't fuck up with Pogba then?
Because you're describing exactly the same situation. He gave up and 'took the easy route out' because he WASN'T HAPPY at not being given a chance and had a POOR ATTITUDE in training.
If he'd had a 'better attitude' he'd have been a 'regular fixture for us now'.
But I guess we got that right too, obviously, because his career really 'could have gone either way' and it was just bad luck that he's one of the best midfielders in Europe now.
It's Barnsley....oh and completely different too.