14 years ago
9 months ago
Hi guys.

I wanna talk about a feature that I think makes FM still very away from real life, which it always tried to imitate...
Do you think, that in real life, a player that comes for the first time to a senior squad (newgen), will always remain there for a few months only by respect or by any other reason (I still dont no really why)??? this is not modern football, but this is what happens in FM, because in the games I played, never did a newgen wanted to sign for my squad, even if it was real madrid, man utd or any other big squads in the world. You may thnk this has any thing to do with the atribute profissionalism, but well... it doesnt. Even players with less then 5 in this atribute, dont want to sign for any other club in the first months.
I think this change to the game would make much more realistic and very similar to real life.
Another shocking difference that I came across in in training... I cant understand why would this game have only 2 options to train players (take full control or only for a month). I mean, I cant decide not to train at all but still tell my staff which position and role I want a player to be trained?! This should be obvious and still very unconfortable having to train everything in a player just because staff train them in a different position from the one I want to use them.

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