Ronni Dalhoff
4 years ago
2 years ago
I have been trying to find out how the scout recommendation "numbers" are calculated. When searching on the topic it seems everybody is only looking at the start ratings for current and potential ability but nobody seems to use "number rating". It goes without saying that a player wit a rating in the 80's is probably better than a player with a rating in the 60's. But what is taken into consideration for this "number". Could it be that Nationality, language, current Country or playing style is also incorporated when calculating this "number rating"?

I am at the moment comparing two 20 year old goalkeepers with same star ratings for ability but different "number rating". One in the 60's and one in the 70's. The player in the 60' looks much better but is currently playing overseas and it made me wonder if other unknowns factors would influence the final number rating given to a player.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Current ability
Current Ability is the level a player is at the moment you are looking at his profile. This number is almost always preset by the researchers at Sports Interactive.

However, there are many players – mostly lesser known players – who don’t have a preset CA. This means it will be random on each new save you start.

The Current Ability value is a dynamic value, as it can either improve or decline depending on a players development and/or age (older players abilities usually tend to decline).

Potential ability
The Potential Ability of a player will determine the maximum possible level a player can reach during their career. This is a preset number and can never change during the game.

IMPORTANT: The PA of a player shows how good he CAN be, not necessarily how good they WILL be.

A player will only reach his maximum potential under the right circumstances. It will depend on:

Mental attributes
Hidden attributes
Playing time

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