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Hello there,
Well, my editor for FM 22, I don't know why I don't want to search for players' names, but there is something like "2 record found (Filtered)"
here and I can't click it after it should be displayed like here: https://i.postimg.cc/65CfwH3Z/no-1.jpg
Unfortunately, reinstalling the game did not help much, as did the integrity of the files. If someone had an idea how to fix it, I would be grateful. Alternatively, if you could send other editor settings, maybe something would help.
I've never had such a problem with the editor before.
No more ideas on how to fix it. Any ideas?
Within the people tab, in the part of the page where the names of the columns are, can you right-click and choose the default column setup?
I hat that issue aswell a few times
The only thing u can do is delete the editor and reinstall as far as I know
I not sure why it behave like that but thats what I do
Nope. Unfortunately, I tried and it gave a zero repair effect on the colums can't right click or choose that column. Only that “people” column. Rest column works ok. Only that crash.
My first tactical move, was to reinstall the game and remove the folders with the editor, and still nothing works unfortunately.
Thats strange
Cause I uninstall the editor and then I delete the editor folder at:
C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2022
and then My editor is back to normal
Yap it's really strange, but still nothing work like before that happend.
Im sorry to hear mate
thought I could help but I don't what is going on
Hope u sort it out
Yeah me too, but if I could fix it, I will let you know if it has been repaired and if I fix these columns, I will give a description of what to do in such a situation.
Hey there fella,
I've got the exact same problem. Tried everything to get my editor to work properly, but I'm helpless. Did you fixed it? If so, can you tell me how? 🙂