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This incredible skin for 2021 really made the game difficult and had you relying on stats and comments from your team. Any chance anybody knows of this somewhere for 2022?? i know theirs attributes but im looking to get rid of stars as well just to add even more frustration haha. Could anybody whip anything up? here's the 2021 below.
I don't think this has been done for FM22.
I don't think it should be too hard to convert a skin from FM21 to FM22, or at least open up the FM21 version and see what was done to create it and replicate it.
I don't know if @krissmed has any interest in this sort of thing? No pressure of course, i've no idea if it would take 1 hour or more like 1 week.
I don't have much experience with skin-making, so I don't think I'm the right person to ask. I know that you previously could take a panel from one skin and copy/paste it to another, although, I don't know if that works between different versions.
Besides, as @Footygamer said, I don't know how difficult this would be, so by the time I finish this, we could already be closing in on FM23.
thanks guys that's a good point! Maybe a good idea for FM23 when it does come out to increase the difficulty. the idea of relying on stats and analysis and your coaches sounds a-lot of fun!