5 years ago
5 months ago

hI All/ 


On the Gamepass version on PC (very much Touch if you ask me). has anyone got skins working on it, and how?? i have every other pack logo etc working fine, looks great. is it becuase the lay out is different, and is there any skins for this version?


thank you lots


Nicolas Yurchuk
10 years ago
2 hours ago

I think by adding these 2 lines to the file skin_config.xml, you can try to use any skin

<boolean id="tablet_skin" value="true" />
<boolean id="fmc_skin" value="true" />

5 years ago
5 months ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 08 March 2023 - 07:39 AM UTC 

I think by adding these 2 lines to the file skin_config.xml, you can try to use any skin

<boolean id="tablet_skin" value="true" />
<boolean id="fmc_skin" value="true" />


Ooooo. Will absolutely try. Thank you. Will let you know buddy

5 years ago
5 months ago

Only ones i can find are these. which are all web based. Apologies if i am being a bit daft here.


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