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Bielsa is a legend
Cleared the loft out over Easter and found my old Amiga 1200 and some games that are older than all my kids.
I booted it up and hey presto it works, loaded up the original champ manager, despite the fact it has fake names, it’s still tremendous fun 30 years on
great memories came flooding back
tried to explain cannon fodder to my 18 year old, but he just commented how crap the graphics are.
does anybody else still have the original domark CM?
I only started playing CM3 - still have the case, as I do for all versions up till FM23, which is the first disc-less copy I got. Halcyon days…
Bielsa is a legend
Hi Mons, yes I have the pc version of CM3, the box is huge, the pale blue one
enjoying the basic nature of the original, although I do remember the launch of CM93 which had real players for the first time-nearly ruined my exam revision
I still remember Mark Collis and Ferah Orosco as the stand-out star lower level players. I think they were at Cambridge.
Bielsa is a legend
Yes, I remember Collis, wasn’t he a mate of one of the Collyer brothers So they bumped him up
Yes that is right. Two fictious players who were ‘must haves.’