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You can't add some and ignore the rest though. Plus you have publishers paying certain outlets for favourable reviews and that again bumps up the Metascore. Their weighting system is skewed by weighting places above others.
Phoenix Arrow
Sure you can. They have done.
Yes but they are adding more weight to places that do not deserve it. Their weighting is suspect and not as open as they have tried to make it seem.
I don't really see how that benefits them, unless someone was paying them to do it, which in turn would destroy the credibility of the site if discovered.
The weighting just places greater importance on websites with certain scoring styles and on more renowned publications.
I have no idea if any of this happens. But when they millions of dollars are at stake, I suppose it wouldn't be unthinkable.
Also, Metacritic and Gamespot are both owned by CNET. Tin foil hat time.
Phoenix Arrow
That's not to say my opinion wouldn't valid, but reviews aren't wholly opinion pieces. They're persuasive. The reviewer plays the game, writes an informed review and uses that to try and persuade the reader to either buy or not buy the product. Even if they don't say it outright, that's what they're doing. Me scrawling "COD IS SHIT 17.2%" or "BLADE KITTEN IS AWESOME 96.8%" on a wall in a public bathroom isn't a review. Blade Kitten was awesome though... and I wrote a review about it.
Metacritic COULD weight reviews by game without telling anyone and might get away with it, but why? What would they gain? Nothing and if they got caught, noone would ever trust them again.
Microsoft are actually trying different things and evolving the console.
The PS4 is just a more powerful PS3, I can't see anything that makes it any different, other than a touch pad on the controller.
Phoenix Arrow
This time I do. While a weighted system is ideal and perfect on paper, the Metacritic model doesn't give the scores fairly or equally. So if X gives it a 4 out of 5 and Y gives it the same then why doesn't Metacritic score it the same on their scale? They give scores differently per outlet and that is the issue.
If every publication was just given an equal footing it would not give a fair representation because metacritic tries to accomodate exterior permutations. It is trying to take something subjective and create an objective result based upon collective reasoning.
It's not perfect, no one's saying that, but it is by far the best method to gauge the quality of a game. If they didn't think weighting was necessary, trust me, they wouldn't do it because the process of aggregating scores suddenly becomes something a seven year old can do with a calculator.
King Luis
Different things being screwing you over and charging you £80 more for the privilege?
Fair enough
King Luis
As for things going digital anyway, that may be the case but Xbox are forcing it while the PS4 is giving you the choice, if you want to buy digital copies of games via PSN you can and you know when you buy that you cant trade it in or anything but Xbox are just taking away the option entirely and making out like they're doing you a favour, they're just out of touch.
That's literally exactly the same as the Xbox One.
Except, they're 'evolving the console' by adding a ton of restrictions on what you can do with games you've bought.
It's like saying 'I'm bored of driving cars with round wheels, I'm going to by a car with square ones because at least they're trying different things and evolving the car'.
King Luis
The voice commands, TV stuff, being able to swap instantly between games without even having to change disks, having one game search for a opponent while playing a different game, background updates, using other apps while playing a game/watching TV (eg. Skype while playing Fifa), the app integration with TV (Fantasy Football while the games on, live updates etc).
Even stuff like the force feedback triggers, which are apparently awesome.
There's tonnes of cool stuff.
Phoenix Arrow
Also, have a read of this.
Slashman X
Think it's a case off too little too late for me, they've only done it because they've shit themselves. It's still the same price and I'm warming to the idea of a PS4.
King Luis
This. Also they're not listening to the gamers they're listening to the preorders IMO.