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Some of you may not read all of this, so I'll just say right now that I promise things haven't changed that much and if you want your career to just be a topic with posts just like on the old forums that is still an option. I am not forcing change on anyone, only offering more options. If you don't like a certain feature, just ignore it.
Okay onto the more detail:
What was the aim?
The main aim was to expand the careers, so it wasn't restricted to people writing walls and walls of text, with fictional stories and press items. While these were good and this site saw some of the best FM Careers ever written, it meant a lot of people were left out who didn't want to share their careers in that way.
So what we've done is added more ways for people to share their careers, without detracting from what we already had in place. So now you can share:
- A fictional story (just like before) except now the posts by the author/manager stand out even more between the comments.
- Short twitter style status updates
- Images only with your own gallery
What we've done is combine all of these, so that you don't need to choose how to do it, each update can either be a story post, status update, image or just a normal comment and it will all display in either a topic or a blog.
- Topic: just like before with each update or comment appearing ontop of one another, just like any other tic.
- Blog: with each update having its own page and separate comments.
You can get started in the new careers section here or keep reading for more info
Creating a career
This is very simple at the moment, you can list who you're managing and give your career a title. When the game is out we're going to let you select from a dropdown and your team's badge will appear throughout the career.
Updating your career
Once you've created your career you can update it with either a post, image, status or comment
Creating a post
Posts are for major updates detailing aspects of your game, or writing fictional stories and press releases.
Adding images
Images are quick screenshots detailing some aspect of your game. You can add as many as you like as well as add a title and description.
Adding status update
Status updates should be short snippets letting people know something about your game such as "Just won the premier league, will continue the story tonight".
You or other members can also add comments that will appear amongst your updates just like a topic
It all looks to messy!
You may be thinking this all looks a bit messy. But that's primarily because I'm just demonstrating each one to you. For instance if you only ever posted status updates it may wind up looking something like this:
Also if you really, really hate all of this and just want it back the way it was you can do so. Just never bother with the other features and only add comments:
Although I would recommend adding your updates as "posts" rather than a comment as it helps to separate out your updates from the mass of other comments from people reading your career.
More features
The following features will be out very soon, but are not stable enough for today's release.
- Auto import Youtube match highlights
- Auto import FM Achievements
- Auto import FM related twitter statuses
- Subscriptions allowing you to quickly see only the careers you're following
- Special gallery for seeing the latest screenshots people are sharing
- Special timeline showing the latest status updates from all careers
- Advanced stats allowing you to track the popularity of your career
- Easily find other people managing the same team as you, or in the same league.
Slashman X
Cheik It Out
Also, the bottom 'Action' tab, you can only access 2 options as 3 are blocked out from the bottom bar thing.
I'm open to suggestions on how that could be improved.
Normal users see a comment box and can comment, you can comment via the "actions" dropdown menu.
By "comment" and "post" I mean the following:
Posts: Stand out more and take up the full width of the page.
Comments: Look just like comments in a normal topic.
Again if things are confusing i'm open to any suggestions
Once it is added (literally asap) you will be able to edit it and fix the centralling issue.
Cheik It Out
Just a few things - for careers, make a [centre] quick tab in the bar at the top ^
And, on the old forum, you could add multiple addon's like for example [ u ] [ b ] Football Manager 2012 [ b ] [ u ], just be clicking on the top option bar, but now you have to highlight the word each time you want to add another add on. Now, if you click away at the top bar, you get [ b ] Football Manager 2012 [ b ] [ u ] [ u ]. It would make it quicker and easier if you could do what you could do on the old forum. Apart from that, I am already liking the new setup. Change always takes time to get used to.
* for any retards out there ( I have noticed plenty on this site already), I used spacing to show Rob what I meant. Don't be a waste-of-sperm useless idiot and comment 'You have a space between letters, that is why it isn't working right derp derp derp'.
Matt Neil. Scout at Plymouth.
Everyone can now edit their careers and delete updates just use the "My Career" link at the top.
EDIT - its been fixed.
It gave me a blank white page after clicking submit. I'll try it again in a second.
Cheik It Out
1) Multiple spoilers
2) Centring on the top bar
3) Ability to cross things out aswell
Just things which we used to have but not anymore
crossed outCentering can be done in one of two ways but you're right I should add it to the buttons.
And multiple spoilers seems to work, i'm not sure what you mean?
Cheik It Out
A spoiler in a spoiler
It didn't work yesterday.
Yeah, if you could get the centre and crossed out options on the top bar, that would be much easier!
Also, when colouring writing, I don't know what I have to write to get that colour. I know that blue, red and the obvious ones work, but maybe a list needs to be put up somewhere to be able to choose a colour or something