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No, but it doesn't exactly make it just as bad.
Shelvey's tackle is far more wild, far more dangerous and far further over the top than Evans'.
I really don't doubt there's much difference between Van Persie's and Evans' tackles, and Evans almost certainly wouldn't have escaped without a booking without Shelvey's tackle upstaging it almost.
I think in situations like these it's always wise for the referee to deal with the most serious incident primarily, I think it's hard to deny that Shelvey's is the worst of the two tackles made for the ball so the correct decision was to send him off, any additional punishment for Evans' be it a red card, a yellow or no further action should be dealt with as a secondary consideration.
I genuinely think there is only one tackle that we saw yesterday that endangered a player's safety and two that were reckless.
Erm no. Shelvey is going in one footed, and granted he lunges I'd say that's less dangerous than diving two feet in. Not going to bother explaining further as I already have and each side is going to have a different view.
I really don't think you can call Evans tackle anymore two footed than Shelvey's watch this:
Both players both feet leave the ground, Evans lands his left foot wide of the ball in no danger to Shelvey and Shelvey makes his lunge with his foot coming round eventually in a scissor movement. Neither of the players use the extra foot in any meaningful attempt to win the ball.
I think it's hard to argue with any of these points.
1. Shelvey makes greater contact with Evans than Evans with Shelvey
2. Shelvey throws himself harder into the lunge than Evans
3. Shelvey makes contact with the ball only after Evans kicks it into him
4. Evans' tackle is off the ground, but no higher than the height of the ball. Shelvey comes over the top of it.
If Shelvey had tackled normally I don't think he was posed any great danger by the tackle that Evans had made. That doesn't make Evans tackle a good one, but if he had made a better tackle he still would have been caught half way up the shin by a tackle thats made minimal contact with the ball and that is why Shelvey was the player that walked.
Slashman X
Fair enough on some of the points, but I'll go on to anwser them.
Seeing Evans is going in two feet side by site, if Shelvey gets to the ball first, both would have landed in Shelvey's leg. So I'd say there's an element of danger there. Shelvey mean while throws him self in, I don't think his intent is to actually win the ball, but block any attempt from Evans, hence he's really spread out and trails a leg to the side.
as for the numbered ones:
1. Yes I agree with that. But I don't think that should affect a situation? If you're lunging into a tackle and someone ducks out the way to save themselves, should you not be sent off for not making contact?
2. I'm not sure he does. He's got more momentum, as he's further from the ball at the start, but I don't think he throws himself in with much excessive force. I think he's aim, as I already said, is to block Evan's from winning the ball.
3. I agree with this one too. However that's because he's got further to get to the ball, hence he's late with his challenge.
4. I guess so, but both players still come in with both feet of the ground. If one walks so does the other for me.
You absolutely can. Evans goes in with two at the ball, Shelvey doesn't.
I'll admit that Shelvey deserved to get sent off, but its ludicrous that Evans didn't get anything for his. That's why I'm annoyed.
That too.
You had a 50/50 and 99('Pool's way) given to you in one game.
I think a yellow was fair, the ball was free so it wasn't as dangerous as a head on tackle but like you say, it wasn't great. The people saying it was 'identical to Shelvey's' are idiots.
Don't understand that bit?
He clearly doesn't though. Both feet leave the ground and move to the ball, but his left leg is obviously never intended to go anywhere near it, which is why it's planted miles to the left and away from causing any danger to Shelvey.
I am not for a second saying that Evans made a good tackle, it was shit, but I think it was reckless rather than endangering safety which is why he probably should have been booked for it.
I'm also not sure why Deano is acting like Evans feigned injury to get Shelvey sent off, he got a kick half way up his leg at some speed, he was probably acting like it hurt him because it really quite hurt him.
What are you talking about? Shelvey's is not two footed. Evans' is, or at least a lot more two footed than Shelvey's.
But anyway. We'll be back
The penalty was 99% wrong.
I just wished he would've given Shelvey a troll face.
Eric Portapotty
I don't think it would have the desired effect, Bian.
King Luis
Slashman X
Slashman X
It's nothing, his daughter was joking earlier on about 'divorcing' her mum, so I'm guessing it's in relation to that.
This one is my favourite:
Watch the gif I posted, Evan's left foot is no more a factor in the tackle than Shelvey's is.
Eric Portapotty
Fucking scum.
After everything that's happened in the last week for Liverpool too.
Absolute cunts.
Telegram Sam
He didn't even fuck them over, just looking for someone else to blame for losing. Again.