Slashman X
18 years ago
10 months ago
The usual "reports", mainly from Brazil but all seem sure he's joining for €27m at the start of the Confederations Cup
17 years ago
17 hours ago
€27m? No chance.
Slashman X
18 years ago
10 months ago
Barca supposedly the only team he wanted to go to, that's why it's so low.

Barca apparently announcing it 1st week of June
17 years ago
17 hours ago
That's still hilariously low. There's not a chance in hell that he'll be that cheap.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Barca are probably the worst club he could go to in some ways.
17 years ago
17 hours ago
I think he'd fit into Real's style of play more but he'd still be a great signing for Barça, he just wouldn't be the signing they need.
18 years ago
10 months ago
"Rooney's asked for a transfer. We're not going to let him go."

- Fergie
17 years ago
17 hours ago
He's gone then.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Didn't want to play today, either.

Unprofessional wanker.
17 years ago
17 hours ago
By Ninja | Permalink | On 12 May 2013 - 18:49 PM
Didn't want to play today, either.

Unprofessional wanker.

That shouldn't be a revelation
18 years ago
7 months ago
Moyes will send him back to Everton.
15 years ago
7 years ago
By bluemoon. | Permalink | On 12 May 2013 - 18:50 PM
That shouldn't be a revelation

Well, no.

Fergie putting the cat amongst the pigeon was fantastic in that interview.
Slashman X
18 years ago
10 months ago
Savage explanation on why Falcao is going to Monaco:

You have probably all already seen that Falcao is destined for Monaco. There were a lot of rumors about a potential move to Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid and others - so why does he end up moving to Monaco?

The answer is because of the complicated third-party ownership involved with Falcao. There was a very similar situation with Hulk when he moved to Zenit.

To explain this, we need to take a step back and first see how third party ownership works. Those in England would have previously seen this topic as it reached prominence when Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano signed for West Ham United. Here were two stars from Argentina signing for a club in London who were struggling to stay in the top flight. The controversy lead to West Ham paying compensation of £18M to Sheffield United, and lead the FA to ban third party ownership.

But third party ownership is still alive and well on the continent. It is most often applied with South American stars making the jump across the Atlantic to Europe. The way it works is that investment groups will purchase the registration rights of an upcoming player. This is sometimes done while the player is at a club, and sometimes as part of a transfer.

For eg. one scenario would be that a 16 year old star in South America would be approached by an agent and asked if he wants backing with marketing and making it big in Europe. These deals usually involve paying the player a better salary, hooking him up with a better agent, better management, sponsorship deals etc. If and when the player agrees, the third party owners will then go to the club he is registered to and negotiate to buy his registration rights - either all of or part of.

The player is then in the hands of the management and third party ownership group, who manage every aspect of his career from that point on. That usually involves paying him a larger salary on top of his club salary, placing him in clubs where he will get more exposure, etc.

The other way third-party ownership happens is that the investment group finances a transfer for a player. For eg. Porto want to sign a player from Brasil but don't have the funds, they would approach an investment group and have them stake 50-60% of the deal in return for the players registration rights.

The investment group make all of this upfront investment with the hope that at some point in the future the player proves himself, becomes a star, and can then exit at a very large valuation.

Some examples: Tevez and Mascherano were placed into West Ham by their investment group as a way of getting them more exposure. It worked out well in both cases as Liverpool purchased Mascherano (buying out the investment group and giving them a good return) and City eventually ended up buying out Tevez - albeit via Manchester United (who never owned the entirety of his transfer rights).

Back to Falcao. He was purchased by a third-party ownership group as part of his transfer to Porto. They bought 55% (likely more) of his transfer rights, supplemented his salary while he was paying at Porto and then moved him to Atletico for the purpose of getting him more exposure (likely with an eye on moving him eventually to Real Madrid). During the time Falcao was there, the investors were supplementing his wages again (infact paying most of them) and working on negotiating his big move which would see them cash out.
Porto's financials show the following for the Falcao transfer:

sale of 60% of the economic rights of the player Bolatti to the entity Natland Financieringsmaatschappij B.V., on July 2009, by the amount of, approximately, 1,500,000 Euro, (transaction perform under the acquisition process of 40% of the registration of Falcao)

There is another section where it is disclosed that they sold another 5% option in Falcao, and another section where it is disclosed that there is an option for a third party to purchase a further 10%.

The same filing shows that Porto only owned 45% of Hulk.

What is more interesting is who is involved in the Falcao ownership. The group is called Doyen Sports and it was founded by Jorge Mendes (most famous as Ronaldo's agent, but an infamous player agent who is involved in a lot of third-party deals) and Peter Kenyon (former Chelsea chairman).

On their website they have a page for Falcao and you can also see the other players listed. Falcao, like Hulk, ended up in a situation where there was so much invested in him that it would take a lot of money for the investors to see a return (known as being highly leveraged). They were paying his salary for a few seasons, had floated Atleti some money to keep them alive (they got some shirt sponsorship in return) and had made the initial investment when he first transferred.

Falcao ends up moving to Atletico in a 40M move - despite Atleti the previous season stating that they had to clear players out because of their 220M euro tax bill with the Spanish government. What this ended up being is a 20 + 20M deal. 20M never gets paid because its just the third-party owners paying themselves, and of the other 20M only 16M is owed by Atleti, who take an option of paying in two 8M installments (they were late on the first one, to the point of Porto suing). End situation is that around 60% of the rights are with the Doylen group. It also appears that while Falcao was at Atletico that Doylen took an option for a larger stake in him since Atleti were late on their payments. Something weird happen which involved Doylen taking a sponsorship. Either way, they had the majority stake and Atletico had no say or control of the player. For all purposes it was nothing more than a loan with Atletico having a small stake in his registration rights.

The president of Atletico Madrid continuously insisted that they own all the rights to Falcao, but this simply isn't true.

Falcao is on a wage of 10M euro per year, and the return the investors wanted is 60M euro in transfer fee. This narrows down the list of potential clubs that can buy you out to very few. Atletico had no say in where Falcao goes, they had an option in the winter transfer window, but that expired. The owners needed their return and they were going to get it one way or the other.

The list can be narrowed down to PSG, Monaco, Real Madrid, Chelsea and City. City aren't making large investments any longer, PSG have their fix of strikers. Of the remaining three, it is apparent that Real Madrid didn't want to pay up the 60M + 50M in contracts for Falcao (for whatever reason). Apparently Chelsea matched the 60M clause but to pay Falcao the 10M per season in wages would involve a total gross salary of 300k+ per week, which just isn't manageable.

Chelsea also have the issue of not being allowed to directly purchase a player from a third-party owner (apparently this is what turned ManU off a move) so it would have required a two-step sale with Falcao going to one club outright and then to Chelsea. Apparently with the David Luiz transfer on the same day he moved to Chelsea Benfica bought out the entirety of his rights from third-party owners (so you can summize that Chelsea gave them the money to buy out that deal so that they could purchase 100% of Luiz directly from Benfica, thus avoiding the third-party rule in England).

With all of these factors you end up with only one target: Monaco. They have the 60M to pay out the investors, they have the funds to pay his wages of 10M per year and better yet they have no income tax so they don't have to supplement the gross.

So in the end Falcao is moved around Europe by his investors with the only goal of making a return for them. He has little to no say in his final destination because of a deal he agreed to years ago while he was still in South America.
15 years ago
7 years ago
By describing it as a 'Savage explanation' I thought you mean 'Robbie Savage explanation on...' and then got really confused with the detail.

It's by a guy called nikcub on reddit for those wondering.
18 years ago
10 months ago
Oh. Yeah I lost interest as soon as I saw 'Savage', will read.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Third-party ownership is like a cancer. The fact that FIFA have let it get this far is absolutely pathetic.
Slashman X
18 years ago
10 months ago
Probably should've went for the usual 'class' adjective then, my bad
15 years ago
7 years ago
Growing rumours that we're interested in Fabregas.

Oh my god, it would be hilarious.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Where? Holy fuck, what a signing that would be.
15 years ago
7 years ago
By Jaygull | Permalink | On 13 May 2013 - 19:33 PM
Where? Holy fuck, what a signing that would be.

Nothing concrete, nothing reliable. Just a few places saying that we are.

Independent are reporting it via the Evening Standard.
17 years ago
17 hours ago
Not a chance. If you were involved, it'd turn into a bidding war. It would be fun mind.
16 years ago
1 year ago
I think my mate whose an Arsenal fan would kill himself if that happened.
15 years ago
9 hours ago
I think Portaloo on here might have a meltdown as well
15 years ago
7 years ago
Lets be honest, there's a little bit of all of us that wants to see it happen purely and solely for Piers Morgan's reaction.
17 years ago
8 years ago
Can't see it happening personally, no reason why he'd want to go to United to play for David Moyes over Arsenal. Unlimited trophies at Barca (how old is Xavi? Must be retiring soon) and I reckon he'd only ever leave to come back to us. He'd be straight in as captain and with him in the team our chances of winning stuff significantly increase.

Fabregas was around for the big Arsenal-United rivalary, threw pizza at Fergie's face and all sorts, probably hates them as much as Vieira etc did at the time

I'd cry if t happened.

EDIT: RvP was around for those days as well and look where he is now so scratch that last point
18 years ago
2 years ago
By Ninja | Permalink | On 13 May 2013 - 20:00 PM
Lets be honest, there's a little bit of all of us that wants to see it happen purely and solely for Piers Morgan's reaction.

That would be awesome, to be fair. He'd have to think of a Fabregas hashtag to go with his current favourites - #VanPurseStrings, #IvanTheTerrible and #WengerTheSeller.

By AFC | Permalink | On 13 May 2013 - 21:03 PM
(how old is Xavi? Must be retiring soon)

33, but the role he plays will enable him to keep going for a while yet I think.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
If Fabregas joined United I'd just give up. I'm only just getting over van Persie.

It won't happen though.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Fabregas is a box-to-box midfielder suited to the English game being played out wide or behind the striker. He has the passing, but he'd be wasted in the Xavi role, thought Iniesta would be the natural successor to that.
16 years ago
1 year ago
By BR. | Permalink | On 14 May 2013 - 09:17 AM
That would be awesome, to be fair. He'd have to think of a Fabregas hashtag to go with his current favourites - #VanPurseStrings, #IvanTheTerrible and #WengerTheSeller.

33, but the role he plays will enable him to keep going for a while yet I think.

Xavi could play until he's about 60 once his eyesight/eye for a pass didn't go.
Eric Portapotty
15 years ago
2 days ago
United scum, the lot of them.

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