Galder Cerrajería - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



Media not found #265488
6 years ago
1 day ago
@ajmace_20 Firstly, remember that cutouts should be 250*250px (or 180*180px if the source image isn't high enough quality) - your cutout is 198*250px

Secondly, when the face in the source image is at an angle like this, it should be rotated slightly so that the face is upright, about 3 degrees clockwise in this case..

Finally, it's best to crop the image a bit closer to the player's chin, so that you're not leaving a lot of the neck in the cutout and that the face can fill the canvas more.

18 years ago
8 hours ago
Thanks again @weeniehutjr

I'm re-opening this @ajmace_20 so that you can have another go As already discussed via PM, the best way to go about it would be to work on a source, post the finished cut in the comment and tag me for feedback. This way, you can get feedback on your technique so that you can refine it bit by bit