Jorge Moreira - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
28 May 2020 03:13:19
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River Plate Pack [Old Pack Submission]
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@Draskulla The cut contains some snow around the head, and as @mons said, there is no need to leave such a large space above the hair.
Sorry, I had made that before Mons told me about the snow and the space above the head
@Draskulla, do avoid leaving such a large gap above the head if possible. Also, if you view it on a dark background, it contains snow all across the hair. There's a video in the thread I linked you to earlier on how to spot and remove snow quickly; do give it a look
Here's my version:
Edit: just seen the conversation above me
Here's my version:
Edit: just seen the conversation above me
@Draskulla The cut contains some snow around the head, and as @mons said, there is no need to leave such a large space above the hair.
I'll re-open this since we need best possible cut.
This image is part of a pack:
Portland Timbers [Old Request Response]