Doctor Halloween - Comments

#414705 Any advice for a first time lower league manager?
Doctor Halloween
6 years ago
2 months ago
So I have been playing this game from the first game, I had a few gaps but there has never been more than a couple years at a time I have not had a Championship/Football manager game. I have won pretty much everything along the way, I have supported one team, then another, then not really supported anyone but played teams I like a few players in, most recently the staple of my year has been the SAF challenge which I started this year's last night.

The thing is I can kind of see the future here, in my first match I drew with second place in the table,I am likely going to end up around midtable with only really the deficit I had to make up keeping me from a Europa league spot. I have 36 million and a decent youth setup so by buying for next season, within three years I will likely have a real shot at winning the champions league. It is great doing it with the SAF challenge, I love it,but this year I am not even worried about relegation whereas my first few years it took me a run in the last five games. I will probably go three seasons and then if I have a good youth regen maybe a season more.

But what I have never done is step out of the top two divisions and certainly not the Vanarama north/south, so I am kind of thinking this year I want to take on a club I have followed the progress of since it formed, FC Utd of Manchester. The thing is, as I said,I have never done a LLM game. So does anyone have any advice and are there any articles I should be reading or videos I should be watching?

More specifically, does anyone have any advice on tactics and facilities? My aim will be to work towards my under 18's being in the top youth league with a well established scouting and highly rated youth facilities and a good percentage of my team coming from my own regens, so when do I go for higher facilities? In terms of tactics, I have been a fan of three at the back since before it became the in thing and while I am not expecting tiki taka I tend to go for fluid/very fluid shape, non-specific roles and shorter passing, am I going to need to make big changes there?

And any other general advice would be appreciated.