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#786275 3D kits Technical Help Thread
David Roylance
Thank you I have brought that and there was an option to allow sponserd kits. They now work
#786273 3D kits Technical Help Thread
David Roylance
I have downloaded both. Tried them together and sperate. Is the in game editor something that could help?
#786252 3D kits Technical Help Thread
David Roylance
Hi. I'm am on FM 22 (windows) playing in the Brazil league. I have downloaded facepacks and Logo packs and they work fine. But I cannot get any Kits to work whether 3d or 2d. I have thr kits and configure provide form the download link on this site. I have put them in the same place as face packs and logs but in a “kits” folder (unzipped) I have cleared the cache In game and unticked the cache box. I have ticked the reload box and hit confirm but it just doesn't work? As I say my badges and faces show up. Do any of you nice people have any other ideas I may have missed. Thanx