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#484767 Becoming A Good Football Manager
Jeff George
Thanks for the reply, but I think my problems run deeper than that. For example, as I'm watching the match I can see what I might perceive to be problems in what my team is doing. But I don't know what the corrective actions are due to my lack of understanding of football itself and the options and descriptions of those options that are available to me. As a comparison, I know baseball quite well. I know what each player's job is and what he's supposed to do. If something is not working on a field I know what to change, and I know what tactical approaches to take in a given situation. I don't have that same knowledge when it comes to football.
#484476 FM 18 Squad Assignments
Jeff George
#484474 Becoming A Good Football Manager
Jeff George
#482476 FM 18 Squad Assignments
Jeff George
#481997 FM18 Merging Editor Changes
Jeff George
#481957 FM18 Merging Editor Changes
Jeff George