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#658136 Kojuro Skin v3.0.4 (Beta) + Instant Result + new Dark Theme
Favourite skin of FM22 thanks so much. One improvement for me would be reducing size of the ‘dugout’ during matchday to allow us to see some additional panels. The original design from SI wastes quite a lot of space imo
#654676 Priisek Dark FM22 Skins inc. % Fitness ITS BACK!
Thanks, have sent over
#654607 Priisek Dark FM22 Skins inc. % Fitness ITS BACK!
Skin is incredible, thank you!
Since the update, the larger player faces mean the attribute analysis shape can no longer fit on the player profile screen which is bit of a shame. I've reduced text size to 85%, just wondered if there could be another way I could try to get attribute analysis to fit on this page?
#654606 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Sorry mate, wrong thread!
#654600 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Skin is incredible, thank you!
Since the update, the larger player faces mean the attribute analysis shape can no longer fit on the player profile screen which is bit of a shame. I've reduced text size to 85%, just wondered if there could be another way I could try to get attribute analysis to fit on this page?