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#555208 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
I have another question. Is it possible to have a dafault (dark blue) background in the match report?.. without having to remove the background images of the stadiums?
I would not want to delete the background images of the stadiums, but if this is not compatible with the skin I will make a reason
Thank you
#554111 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
GoogleTranslate - Mod
Thank you,
I changed the colors of the skin through the game preferences screen, but the changed colors are only valid for the player screen (table player - Miguel img.) but in the scout screen the colors remain the same (table scout - Miguel img.)
I want to understand if I have the possibility to modify:
A) get the display of the screen (table player - Miguel) in the scout screen (for any player) so as to have a background and only the colors of the values that change.
B) If it is not possible, I want to understand how to modify in the config file. the colors in the scout screen, in the small box.
Thank you
#553566 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
is it possible to have in the FlutSkin20 the display of the scout screen as in the version of FlutSkin19? or alternatively, the ability to change the background colors of the values?
#553556 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread