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#725436 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Great skin, thanks.
edit - had a small problem but it was fixed in latest version
#718342 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
First, thank you Flut for your great work!
Regarding not displaying attributes values, would it be possible to have an option in between the two? I am thinking it would be using the attributes colours settings in the game and displaying that colour.
I understand it may mean too much work and maybe not so many interested in that option but I feel that would be kind of realistic. I mean you know if a player is better at one thing than the other but not exactly how good.
#460419 FM 2019 FLUT skin dark
Transfer history bug - see screenshot
#460156 FM 2019 FLUT skin dark
Screenshot now included in my previous message
#458956 FM 2019 FLUT skin dark
One problem on Transfer History page for clubs. The Total sums at the bottom of the page is not correct.
#453736 FM 2019 FLUT skin dark
On the player profile I get "plans" in several fields.
I change to "positions", "form" and others but when I look at another player they all change to "plans" again. Even returning to the player I made changes to I get "plans".
EDIT: It seems to be a bug because of savegame from Beta. Started a new save and it works fine!
(In my Betasave it works after restarting FM, but breaks again to only showing "plans" if I go preferences.)