AlanAlameda - Comments

#455605 Eredivise 2018 Logo
6 years ago
5 years ago
Looks great! Thanks for sharing!

By the way, just in case anyone’s interested. My brother Devin is selling a few Dub 22 Inch Rims. If anyone’s interested, feel free to PM me.
#455604 Manager proflie pic
6 years ago
5 years ago
"Hope this mmod will be back for 2019 version"

I'm actually hoping for the same thing as well.
#455603 Kits reverting to generic in cup competitions
6 years ago
5 years ago
"It's not a bug, it most likely licencing issue. Almost all big teams who qualified for EU competitions are affected. If you go to the editor and check colours and kit section of affected clubs, you'll see that they have multiple shirts (and other kit items) assigned."

I see. Thanks for clearing it up, man!
#453444 Backgrounds help
6 years ago
5 years ago
Hope someone would help with this. Was wondering about the same thing as well.

By the way, newbie here. Whenever I'm taking a break from this particular interest, I'm usually found at home, feeding my Pomeranian with some treats and watching TV with my wife. And when we're not indoors, we would play catch in our backyard with our dog (though we had to secure one of those petsafe Stay+Play wireless dog fence, just so he wouldn’t stray far from our yard. Our neighbor had a weak wooden partition, and we once had an argument when the poor fella ended up on his lawn). Such a simple, yet, happy life. Cheers!