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#793235 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Looks to me like you clocked the phone icon on the bottom right by mistake, just click it again during highlight and it should be fixed.
#793234 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Does the Instant results during match, contribute to my assis manager or to me, in this skin?
#793150 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
ok, so i'm not sure if this was answered/asked, I went over a bunch of pages, but there are just too many.
when in the tactics screen, the positions keep come and go which makes it that I need to wait every time for them to show up again to see positions for a player.
Not sure if it suppose to be some kind of animation, but it's annoying and make it harder and longer to figure out stuff while working on tactics, is there any fix or ability to stop that from happening please?
#793060 Need Advice for a ultimate SS Tactic.
Need advice on what you all think about this tactic please, I'm basically looking for the tactic to be good and make my SS the star of the match
I haven't done anything much other than just putting up the roles, so any advice about the roles, or anything else about the tactics, instructions, indv instructions etc… would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
#792841 SS and 3d kits
thank you
#792838 SS and 3d kits
so, if i want clubs kit to show during a match, I would need the 3d ones as well?
#792821 SS and 3d kits
Quick question, do i need to download both SS kits and 3d kits, or does SS already comes with 3d kits for the match time?
#786737 FM 2020 to FM 2024
Ya, i meant the clubs/players etc… data.
I do have both games.
i know I could basically just go in and edit every club, player, stadium, managers, competition, etc… my self, but that would be so many players and clubs and all that, I was wondering if maybe there's a simplayer way to just export the data from 2020 and than just import it into 2024, I do have both games.
#786734 FM 2020 to FM 2024
Hello everyone, my first time posting here.
so I was going over my games, and I remembered how much I liked to play in FM 2020 clubs wise.
but I like all the changes they made al the way up to 2024.
I was wondering if anyone know of a way to export all the 2020 data and than import it into 2024 please?
#777420 Vincechup - Instant Result Skin FM24
Would using it on team selection before actually going into the match, would count as me managing the game, or my assistant?
#777302 sortitoutsi.net Standard Kits Megapack for FM2024
I'm pretty sure Slovakia got you covered, i went there to get kits for my 9th-level team
#761007 London Lions
Any chance to ever get their kit in this game from someone?
#756708 100+ Female Staff
Aren't those already in the cutout faces pack?
#756683 Peterborough Sports Logo color
Thank you guys.
#756527 Peterborough Sports Logo color
For some reason every Logo pack I download, all Peterborough Sports logos are orange and black instead of blue and yellow.
was wondering if it's a mistake or on purpose, please?
#756085 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
O, ok. so the pack wasn't ready yet. that's understood, I just thought it was somehow missed in the pack or something.
Cool, thx :-)
#756083 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
O, my bad, i think you misunderstood me, i don't think they are even in the folder, I don't know about all of them, but there's Wrexham home and away kit, but there is no third kit in the folder. when I said they were missing, I meant from the actual files.
#756080 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
Ya, i can show a screen shot of the files, but it's not all of them, they won't all fit in one screen shot.
#755880 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
Most lower leagues not showing,
also, some like Wrexham are missing a third kit.
I'm playing fm 24 prereleased.
Thank you.
#745719 Need Custume Kits/Logo/club made
Need someone who can make me a all new club data base for a club I would like to create, with stadium/city/players/kits/logo etc…
I am willing to donate some money for the time spent on this.
#745718 3D Kits request thread
Are we going to get the new 23/24 updated kits? to be honest I'm more interested in England and real Madrid, I like the new gold trim :-)
#739459 FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack - 225 new leagues playable - BOHEMIO 2023
All those leagues but no Israel… a shame you put all the Palestine leagues but not the Israeli ones.
#712805 Match plans
i think you misunderstand my question, I'm not talking about training, I'm talking about match plans, basically is giving instructions to your assistant what to do during a match when you skip fast forward the match, like when to do subs, at what point to change to secondary formation etc… it's nice cool thing to use if you want to skip certain easy matches but still like to have subs used and such for their indiv improvements.
#712718 Match plans
I see a lot of downloaded tactics and such, why no one have any match plans to download with those tactics, I think the match plans is a nice feature that is too often overlooked, it's really helpful when you want to skip certain matches but you want the assistant to do subs and such when simulating. does anyone have a nice general match plans to use?
#712518 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
actually, i changed it to the stats you using, and I like it. it's all good I appreciate everything m8
#712500 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
i think you misunderstood me, i meant the all box covering the all screen is too big.
#712490 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
ya, i managed to do it, thx. i actually wanted to bather you one last time,
during the match is there a way to reduce the amount of info ( size of the square) that I have between highlights?
i like the extra info portions I have, but I really don't have a need for the all thing.
#712463 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
k, i'll check it out, thanks for everything m8
#712461 Faces on costume players
Never mind, someone already told me how, I just don't know how to delete the post…
#712459 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
i see so… the left number is the picture file name and the right number is the player id, or is it the other way around?