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#620182 How to use "alternative kit number"
I'm trying to understand how to use the ‘alternative kit number’ system, but struggling a little. I understand that 0 means the standard kit, and then you can have 1 and above, which are alternatives in order of priority.
What I don't get though, is how to make sure socks and shorts will go together. For example, I'm working on Bradford City, who's default is black shorts and socks with their home shirt. However they will sometimes wear white shorts and socks with their home shirt. What they will not do though, is where black shorts with white socks, or white shorts with black socks. This is what I'm trying to avoid
I've added the white shorts and socks and assigned them the same number (black shorts and socks are 0, white shorts and socks are both 1), however, the team will sometimes wear the alternative white shorts, but with the standard black socks, which looks wrong (this happens even when the opposition are wearing dark socks, making it especially odd). Is there no way to make sure that the black shorts/socks and the white shorts/socks will only appear together and not mixed? I assumed that giving them the same number would achieve this, but it appears not to.
While there are some teams (e.g. Man Utd) who will wear any combination of black/white shorts/socks, I'm sure there are many teams who will only wear certain combinations (e.g. AC Milan, who would never wear black shorts with white socks with their home kit), so it seems strange if there's no way to do this.
Thanks in advance for the input.
#618149 Leonardo Rossi
Well yeah I was confused when I saw that. I downloaded the update, but he doesn't appear in my game. If he's appearing for others then I guess I never installed it!
#618120 Leonardo Rossi