FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
Deleted Account #159026
#799562 Andrew Cole
Andy Cole does not work at Man Utd as a scout. He is a club ambassador, Transfermarkt is not a reliable source of information and should not be used as justification.
#444348 "Retired Person"
This person type should only be set on people who have retired from football completely and have no active participation in football anyway. You should be using the person type "Non-Player" for players who retire and go into coaching/management.
#440877 Michael Carrick
As a player yes, not from football entirely. He's working as a first team coach for Man Utd
#440733 Timothy Fosu-Mensah
#440732 Luke Shaw
#17614 FM13 Handover Thread
Have done all the English club links at the bottom of here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/317834-Club-Nation-and-Continent-Thread-Links
I have also done the Conference North/South and England Isthmian link. Can the next person please do the Northern, Southern and Regional leagues threads, and then start with the top link in the Continents section
#16176 FM13 Handover Thread
#14998 germany Transfers?
#13212 FM13 Plan
so then FM13 and first post as Update Manager. Those of you that have played the beta/demo and taken a look through the issues forum on SI will see that there is a fair few data issues that need fixing. It is fairly likely that SI will release patch either on release or just after, however I do not expect this to affect the database so we should be able to start work straight away.
Proposed release date: 9th November
That gives us a week to go through the issues forum on SI. If we don't get it done in a week then we hold off for another week. I would rather the above release date stayed amongst us for now because it's still tentative. We can let people know we are working on a release and that it will be out shortly but I don't want to announce a date and then have to push it back. Once it's ready we'll put it out there. Unless there is any glaring problems then this should be the only release between now and January. I'll start planning out what we're going to do then a bit closer to the time.
File Rota
If no-one has any objections then I'd like to keep the rota pretty much the same as last year, except I will move to Friday's and Neil (Wally) to Tuesday.
Monday: Nico
Tuesday: Neil
Wednesday: Sam
Thursday: Darren
Friday: Luke
Any questions/problems then let me know in one of the usual ways.
#12220 Data update for FM13
#11195 Download Figures Summer 2012
#10227 FM13 Schedule
#9584 FM13 Schedule
#9577 FM13 Schedule
#9575 FM13 Schedule
When should we be looking to make our first release?
#8443 Website Update
#7210 Rangers 2012 player values stuck at £0
#4177 Holiday
#4039 Holiday
#3683 Player Search
#1903 Rangers 2012 player values stuck at £0
#1901 English Leagues wont load!
#1316 Rangers 2012 player values stuck at £0
#622 Rangers 2012 player values stuck at £0
#619 rangers in january 2012
#375 The Save game could not be loaded
#373 Crash Issue
#339 Cant download??
#338 Cant download??
#324 Load into editor?