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#777861 Pre game editor MLS help
I am wanting to add Phoenix rising into the MLS as an expansion team, I know that I need to go into advanced settings but I'm not quite sure how to add them so they will join the MLS league in the 2023 league as an expansion team. I'm basically wondering if there is anyone out there who would know how to do this and let me know in the replies please. thank you.
#771858 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
So, for the last 2/3 years I’ve used the cut out player faces megapack… and I’m pretty sure I’ve never had this problem or I’m only just noticing.. so while looking through National teams I noticed none of the France national team have faces? Even though I know I have Mbappe’s face downloaded etc? Is this a new problem or do I need to go into my game files and delete something. I’m using WTS skin. Thanks in advance.