Invictus_Maneo - Comments

#664425 Strikers OP in FM22?
3 years ago
3 years ago

I've got the impression that with high morale, yes, you're correct. 

Got into a career with Borussia Dortmund and could barely get Haaland past 30, while in a previous career with Lazio had Immobile at 58 goals among all competitions.

Morale's impact way more than previous titles, low morale players are also the ones more likely to make you lose games, more than strikers/poachers being OP, I feel morale's is way too impactful.

Gonna try Valencia and see what Gomèz can do.


Playing 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-1-2, based on “are there decent wingers in this club?"