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#514921 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Rich B
Huuuge thanks from me dude
#514639 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Rich B
Nottingham Forest would be much appreciated please
#514596 2D Kits 19/20 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0
Rich B
Working like a dream my friend. Huge thanks for this!!
#514568 2D Kits 19/20 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0
Rich B
sweeeeeeeeeeeeet thanks mate, i'll give it a download now
Love it! Thanks mate, I prefer the SS style tbh. I use those kits over the FC12 so win win haha
#514542 2D Kits 19/20 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.2.0
Rich B
I’ve had a a go at trying to create the Italian Serie A as it isn’t included. I’ve got to test it this evening. If it works do you want to add it to the file?
#514299 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
Rich B
No worries mate. Just thought I’d ask. I can manage it by changing the % for the background selector
Thanks anyway dude
#514036 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
Rich B
Any chance you could bold up the headings in the pic I've supplied please?
Love your work as always dude
#513387 Realistic Injuries
Rich B
Plus reducing injuries only makes the game even easier.
More injuries more frequently for realism I say
Happy gaming everyone
#513106 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Rich B
Thank you soooo much for this
#511697 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
Rich B
Luckily I am. Or having any lag issues and I run on top graphics setting during 3D matches.
Try deleting the skin and download it again from fresh. Then once you’ve put it in the relevant folder/file. Try clearing skin cache and refreshing the skin whilst in FM20.
Fingers crossed it helps
#511161 Realistic Pitch Textures - v1.1
Rich B
Huge thanks
#508773 Nik33's FM20 Agents pack
Rich B
#508693 Nik33's FM20 Agents pack
Rich B
I hadn’t noticed it anyhow but then my OCD kicks in and when you know... well you know the rest haha.
Still not played a full season for restarting because of new files or updates haha
#508684 Nik33's FM20 Agents pack
Rich B
Great work btw!! Improves FM greatly. VP if you could pass on the thanks to the creator that would be superb
Thanks mate
#508291 Realistic Injuries
Rich B
Superb work.
Cannot wait to get started with this.
Thanks so much for this
#506737 Smarter AI Managers
Rich B
Thanks mate, really do appreciate your help. heading off to start a new bloody save as you've released some awesome work!!!!
#506736 Smarter AI Managers
Rich B
Thanks mate, much appreciated
#506733 Smarter AI Managers
Rich B
#506730 Smarter AI Managers
Rich B
Kind regards
#506226 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 (few level 9-10) SS'2019/20 Relink! (25/06/20)
Rich B
#504900 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
#504897 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
in the config file I create then editing to have this line in - <record from="UID number" to="graphics/pictures/person/UID number/portrait"/>
in game my PO is 4506 for example
for arguments sake the regen uid locator gave me 123456789. In the line above does this number match so it shows as <record from="123456789" to="graphics/pictures/person/123456789/portrait"/>
or should it be written as <record from="4506" to="graphics/pictures/person123456789/portrait"/>
So sorry for these mindless questions
IGNORE THIS PLEASE - I checked config file of players photos and copied the same coding. Hopefully this will sort it
I roughly counted 60 something for the amount of UIDs for my game. So I might be a little while copying photos and typing code.
#504883 Belgium - Pro League SS'2019/20 Relink! (24/11/19)
Rich B
#504879 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
Great idea about duplicating the photo for each one. I shall give that ago. Thanks for getting back to me and it looks so good on your images. Really hope I can sort it. Thanks for everything matey
#504491 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
I bet this file/addition is SUPERB on FM.
Oh well!
#504408 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
Why after typing codes unsuccessfully I then finally get a photo for the Press Officer instead of a black background and the code but its a gen player, not the photo I have assigned the number to. Then when I untick add pics to gen players, the picture turns back to black background with the regen number.
Do I need to continue trying codes or is it this one and I'm just doing something wrong for the real photo to show?
Please if someone could help/reply I would be so grateful
#504320 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
Ingame under preferences do we tick or untick the "show pictures of players (and staff) who have been generated by the game"?
Struggling still.
Thank you for the face pack for PO & PA Rowan, if you have anymore please let me know.
Just need to make it work
#503844 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
Rich B
When i come to save the two photos for the PA and Press Officer from the web. Do I save them as .jpeg or .png? Or does this not matter? Also once saved do we need to edit the photo size to match the size off the black box with the UID number. This size would be 250x250. I only ask because I've been searching for ages with no luck on my new save. I have forgot how I got it to work last time. One last thing. Do we tick or untick the "show pictures of players (and staff) who have been generated by the game"?
Sincere apologies for the number of questions
#503376 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2019-20 Relink! (23/04/20)
Rich B
Thank you so much
#503329 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2019-20 Relink! (23/04/20)
Rich B
meeeeee tooooooooooo
i'm itching to start a career