Callum Marks - Comments

#706169 Fretec Skin (4K)
Callum Marks
1 year ago
3 months ago
By Not Available 19 October 2022 - 19:00 PM UTC 

Hi, sorry to disappoint, but like with most issues here I have no clue how to resolve them, this is one of them. If you want useful help, I recommend downloading the Tato skin (which served as the base for this one) and checking if the issue is still there at 150% zoom. If it is the original creator will be more of use to you than me. All I can help with is saying look in the non-player folder (that's the staff stuff) and delete the files in there and when the screen goes to how the vanilla skin looks, you'll know you found the one to edit (delete the container lines <container> is start and </container> ends them) eventually you should find the right thing to change. Or download another skin that works as you want it and replace that ones non-player folder into this skin's.


Hope this helps.



Great support just by responding and trying so thanks for that!
It turned out I was able to get the info to show by having the game set to full screen and being set as 85% zoom (in game setting).
I absolutely love this skin!!!

I would have a play around with it myself but as I have the game through game pass I have no access to the Resource Archiver so cant decrypt the FMF files 😢 !

Again, thanks for responding, and I love what you did for this theme!.

#705930 Fretec Skin (4K)
Callum Marks
1 year ago
3 months ago


How can i view  a staffs worldwide knowledge?

I cant seem to access it anywhere using this skin?


EDIT - Its because my machine is running at 150% DPI.

If I change it to 100% it shows fine.

Would be nice to be able to view it at 150% though.