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#632077 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
Thanks a lot! And thanks @siborg
#630962 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
Hi @wfm18, absolutely love your work! Any chance I could get you to create the kits of FC Andorra for me?
Home shirt can be found here: https://www.fcandorra.com/en/shop/equipment/kids/samarreta-1a-equipacio-infantil-2020-21/
Away: https://www.facebook.com/fcandorra/photos/3406815766068087
Third: https://www.facebook.com/fcandorra/photos/3305025136247151
Hope you can help! (PS: If it's easier for you, you could just do the 3D kits and then I can use the very handy guide on this forum to convert them to 2D)
Edit: Shorts and socks on home kit are blue, in the same shade as the kit
#433935 Unblocking and unlocking clubs and national teams
#433930 Unblocking and unlocking clubs and national teams
Not sure how likely it is to get an answer to this since it's been half a year since anyone was in here but I'll give it a shot anyway... Could this change while mid-save? If i.e Andorra or a random Oceania country (as this is where I like to manage) do get 150+ players through regens, will they then "unlock", if you will, so you can manage them?