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#765445 sortitoutsi.net Standard Kits Megapack for FM2024
Thanks for your answers!
Will delete the 23 kits and download the 24 kits then, and for now not copy the Austrian Bundesliga files.
#765415 sortitoutsi.net Standard Kits Megapack for FM2024
Hey @wfm18 ,
I have a few questions, hope you don't mind:
-I've downloaded the 2023 file and all its updates at that time, now I've transferred all those files to my fm24 folder and updated it with the 23 updates I didn't got yet as well as the 24 updates so far. Is that an okay way to do it or should I get the 24 main download (instead of just the update file) and its updates?
-in the editor data folder of the latest 24 update (the .3 version) there are quite a lot of files, but I also got a file called “wfm18 sortitoutsi.net FM23 Standard Kits Megapack.fmf” as well as a config file from the aforementioned transferred files coming from 23, do I have to delete these out of my fm24 editor data folder?
-in the editor data folder of the latest 24 update (the .3 version) there is an .rar file called Austrian Bundesliga 23-24 which extracted only contains graphics and a config file, should this still be placed in the editor data folder of fm24 or should it be in the graphics folder instead?
kind regards,
#740408 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
@flut Thanks!
#738236 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi flut,
just new to your skin and already liking it very much.
However I've two questions:
Firstly, how do I have to interpret the CA and PA attributes in the player overview? Since it seems those don't match the hidden CA/PA numbers or the star ratings.
I've installed alt 10 for now since I don't understand it, but would like to understand it.
Secondly, is there a way to use your skin with attributes, but without the hidden attributes (including hidden CA/PA numbers). For example in the following places (maybe there are more places, but to give you an idea of what I mean):
-player overview > profile > player panel 1 > ability (I know I can just change this one, but those are the attributes I'm talking about)
-player overview > profile > player panel 6 > info2 > ability
-player overview > information > info > ability
I have the ingame editor, but I don't want to see those right away, not even by accident, if I want to see those I prefer to have an extra conscious step I have to take to do so.
Hope you can help