FM24 Real Name Fix
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
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FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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Fantasy Football
#806507 I need a FM24 expert editor
#800201 Men's FIFA World Rankings (18/7/24 - Latest Official Release)
Sure so with the FIFA rankings, every three months or so FIFA publish their rankings - if you go into the Pre-Game editor, go into Nations and then into the Information tab, there's a section called Ranking points. Update that to match the score on FIFA's ranking page but bear in mind, FIFA uses decimal figures the game does not so it sometimes is out by a position of two. Alternatively, download the attached file and place it in the editor data folder of your Football Manager directory normally located in C://User/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data
#800200 Men's FIFA Rankings (September 2024 Update)
Sure so with the FIFA rankings, every three months or so FIFA publish their rankings - if you go into the Pre-Game editor, go into Nations and then into the Information tab, there's a section called Ranking points. Update that to match the score on FIFA's ranking page but bear in mind, FIFA uses decimal figures the game does not so it sometimes is out by a position of two. Alternatively, download the attached file and place it in the editor data folder of your Football Manager directory normally located in C://User/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data
#797901 Currency Exchange Rates (26/09/2024)
Ciao. È un file di dati dell'editor, quindi va direttamente nella cartella dei dati dell'editor nella directory FM (Documenti/Sport Interactive)
#797889 FC'12 Mexico - Liga MX 2024-25 [v1.5]
Dropbox download isn't working
#797888 FC'12 England - League One 2024-25 [v2.5]
Just letting you know the dropbox link isn't working
#797079 Cannot properly resize club logo
This likely comes down to the way your image is cropped. If you resize a file to 180x180 but it has loads of blank space around the outside, then the logo itself won't be that size, the entire file is. What you'd need to do is use an image editor to trim the file properly.
If you have already done this, then ignore everything I just said
#796695 Help with testing rules on FM Editor
If you've not already, I recommend checking out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-IVBFwq8is&list=PLBRrkE9GGBxETel7pB2bVnuNdDhC_j--h
He has a lot of good resources available and I learnt most of my editor stuff through these
#796481 How can I update the logo from a team
It will typically be the person who created the post. I don't use ESS Logos specifically, but for the logos I do use there'll either be a forum post or you can contact the uploader.
#796478 How can I update the logo from a team
In that case, PM the creator of the logo pack. You may have to wait until the next update for them to release the new logo version.
#796295 How can I update the logo from a team
Little bit confused?
Do you mean you work for the club in real life and you've redesigned their badge? Or is this something you've done (i.e. a fantasy badge) for the lower league club to appear in-game?
If it's the first, then it'd just be a matter of submitting the updated logo as a source to whatever logo pack (probably via the logo pack's website if they're not connected through this site (which will also be the same for the fantasy badge too)
If you mean how do you get your drawing into your own game, you'd need to re-do it using something like Canva or Photoshop and generate the files that way or at the very least scan it and make sure it's in the appropriate format and size.
#795416 Finnish 2nd and 3rd divisions
What steps have you taken so far?
#794756 Nationality locked teams
I theorised it could be done with placeholder chairmen/owners/presidents too. For example you'd create a placeholder president called Club Name and set his club visions to only signing players from X. Disable takeovers and change the club's transfer preferences too
#794454 Slovakian league Kits
Have you tried FM Slovakia?
#794052 Men's FIFA World Rankings (18/7/24 - Latest Official Release)
In your editor data folder same with any other mod you download that has an .fmf extension
It's normally in your documents folder
it will be something like C://users/documents/sports interactive/football manager 2024/editor data
#793947 Men's FIFA World Rankings (18/7/24 - Latest Official Release)
I'm glad you like it. I will update it every time FIFA put a release out.
#793659 I was unable to download the Football Manager Data Update file.
Check your browser settings. Also try temporarily disabling antivirus/firewall because sometimes they (and browsers) can be pissy about zip files. I've just managed to download today's data update (and others previously) without issue so it's not the site
#793063 53y old GK coach incorrectly flagged as player
Unless you've got when of the real time editing tools I don't think there's much you can do in your current save, but otherwise you'll need to amend his details in the PGE
#792245 FC'12 Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024-25 [v4.0]
You need to add it to the skin folder. There's an entire subfolder for it.
#792233 3D Match Balls Pack for FM24
Just so you know SPFL W, Turkish Super Cup W and Turkish League W aren't referenced in the config. Not sure if that was deliberate but yeah
#792190 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack for FM24 (10/11/23)
I noticed that there's a discrepancy in the config.xml file
The dieci challenge league file is listed as challenger league in the config, but the file is named challenge league. Although the fix is an easy one, it will cause display errors.
#792137 New Submission system for SS' Kits
Also in terms of reorganising. The version I currently have working on organises the kits into a basic graphics folder setup. It has limited customisation options but I am working on versions that will have much more. I just want to get the basic principles down and give the community something to work with.
At the moment what I have does the following:
Search for graphics - Links you straight to this site via the database section so you can get graphics and data
Rename graphics - Dump a graphics pack and it's config into the sort folder and it will rename everything by UID (and suffix where applicable)
Error check graphics - Performs basic error checking ensuring graphics are in the right format etc.
Write config - Write the config.xml file to get everything showing in-game
Sort graphics - Sorts the graphics packs into the correct folders to keep your graphics organised
Obviously there are limitations as this is still a very rough draft. As I mentioned, customisation options are somewhat limited at the moment but it will do the basic things to get graphics sorted and into the game quickly. I also promise to keep it up-to-date in terms of FM25 and subsequent releases being released because potentially such a tool will be really helpful
#792136 New Submission system for SS' Kits
The program is currently in testing. I am hoping to make it cross-platform but as I don't have access to Mac or Linux I will be relying on feedback. From my own testing on Windows, the renaming and sorting functions seem to work well. I managed to rename 12000+ kits in a couple of hours, the average kit pack only takes a couple of seconds so I think it will be pretty useful. It covers every type of in-game graphic too, not just kits.
#790123 Transfer Budget Mega Fix V3.0
Yeah it defo can be stressful. Sometimes something that seems relatively simple can get really complicated. Just take it slow and work out little bits at the time. At the end of the day it's got your name on it, so you need to be happy with it.
#790119 Transfer Budget Mega Fix V3.0
That sounds good as well. There is some good realism mods out there so more never hurts. I find the more choices the more you can mix and match, plus it's good to see how other people do things too. I can refine my own ideas that way. I don't mind giving feedback or ideas. It's just stuff I pick up on and think about with my own clubs. I'm used to working on a budget, so give me a club with lots of money and I won't know what I'm doing lol.
#790101 Transfer Budget Mega Fix V3.0
I'm working on my own project at the moment but intend to take a look at this when I go back to playing. I mean just focusing on the Premier League for a minute you want to take variables at both ends of the table really. Brighton are a good midpoint, then you have a club like Man City and a club like Luton. You then have your upper, middle and lower.
I stumbled across this https://www.capology.com/uk/premier-league/salaries/ which seemingly has information about salaries and contracts and some things. This (while not to be taken as gospel) coupled with https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/ for things like market values and transfer behaviours could allow you to analyse transfer behaviour in quite a bit of detail.
I think it's a good concept to try and implement though and I'm always excited about stuff that improves realism.
#790039 Transfer Budget Mega Fix V3.0
Whilst I find the concept of this interesting and it's definitely something that needs to be looked at I'm curious how you've handled things such as salary and wage caps in some leagues and also how you've factored in the differences in how clubs are run. For instance, some clubs may use 50% of their balance for transfers, smaller clubs may be significantly less.
This isn't a criticism, but I am genuinely interested in your approach
#789114 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
If you're not sure, then download the entire megapack and install again - otherwise you were probably overwriting a face with the same UID or a config.xml file.
#787458 Extracting person names from databases?
Well I am sure eventually someone will be able to shed some light on the situation. Hell given the wholesale changes in FM25 the entire structure will probably change anyway
#787425 Extracting person names from databases?
Maybe it goes for the most common names as opposed to specifics? I mean you wouldn't expect to see many Alexander-Arnolds for example but you might expect to see a few Davies and Davis.