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Deleted Account #2139012
#746024 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
In the Match Game - to see the Front/Back Kit, when you open the lttle Screen from the player overview, would be fine, if possible.
When you click on the player and open the player overview in normal step, then you can see front/back Kit fine and it works normal..
#746018 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hello fllut. How can I put this line a little down? ( To see the league table in full detail (last place in the table).
#745903 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
player additional attributes panel.xml (to find in: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins\fm2023flutskin_dark\panels\player)
i think, better Setting is changing to: (for getting the full Display of Detail)
<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" layout="23, 23,3,23,3,23,3,-1,3,60,1,-5" offset="0" gap="2"/>
#745892 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi flut.
Can you tell me, how can we change the size of the human faces much bigger, to see them better in the details List?
Thanks for helping.
#745544 SI announcement - the future of Football Manager
It was my gut feeling that I wrote, thinking about how my hopes always faded when the game was finally released annually. I'd rather be all the more happy when FM24 clearly shows where the journey is going. I am glad that the game exists at all. Greetings!
#744936 SI announcement - the future of Football Manager
the hope and a certain anticipation always aroused in me for years the time before the new game appeared. When the game appeared, this joy always gave way to the life that I have less and less fun playing the game. So I'm not at all full of confidence or anything like that that this time will be different. For me, the SI company clearly acts on a principle. Only offer morsels and always leave the customers hanging on the long arm. Offering scraps every now and then, but only enough so that not too many customers leave, but a certain amount of customers remain stable. This is not about heart, courage, passion or the joy of the hobby. It's about a company, about money and about jobs. We consumers look at the scenario with different glasses than the company itself.
#744253 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Nice Idea, Yavin. Would it also be possible if you (flut) set the calendar lower to show city image and stadium image?