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#761021 American Premier League (Beta Release)
Here's the final table for that season. It should look similar to your test one as the worse teams in the top half should have less points than the best teams in the bottom half.
#761018 American Premier League (Beta Release)
That's what the table looked like all year but then it changed the day after the season and before the playoff draw. I'll keep an eye out and see if it happens again for me.
#760674 American Premier League (Beta Release)
An issue I ran into in my first season, I took over a Toronto FC squad that was in 16th place when the league split. They were in the lower part all season long but the moment the season ended Toronto was moved up to 4th place and into the playoffs. It's like the split worked for the regular season but by the time the playoffs start the league split no longer works. Essentially it rearranges all the teams based on their points regardless of the split.