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#759872 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Day Tripper
@mons - Papa Johns Trophy is now called the Bristol Street Motors Trophy.
#759865 Ongoing Japan League Player Faces
Day Tripper
Will this work alongside the Cut out player faces megapack? Have you got an updated face for Juan Mata?
#759864 FM24 - Competitions True Color Fix
Day Tripper
Shouldn't UEFA Champions League be dark navy background and white text? All Champions League branding is like this and I've never seen pink?
#759522 Saudi League
Day Tripper
There's one on the Steam Workshop.
#759077 Competition True Color Fix
Day Tripper
Will this work alongside your correct name and colour files @mons?
#759071 Brazilian First Division Correct Names
Day Tripper
@mons - Does your Real Name Fix file contain Brazilian first division correct names? Or does this file need to be downloaded in addition?
#758038 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Day Tripper
@bolid74 for some reason your kit packs never show with correct last updated date and therefore we don' get an alert that a new update download is available. Not sure if this can be sorted? Thanks for your work on the kits, as always.
#757653 3D Match Balls Pack for FM24
Day Tripper
Sounds promising!
#757652 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
@flut - thanks for the amazing skin yet again. One question please. I have included extra tickets for the pre-match screen and I have the Serie A one showing in the picture below.
Is there any way to edit the game so it automatically selects the correct ticket for the correct competition? e.g. Champions' League ticket for European games and Serie A ticket for league games?
#757628 3D Match Balls Pack for FM24
Day Tripper
As the game can use different colour balls in the winter, I don't suppose there is any way for the game to automatically pick up your alt yellow balls in the winter is there? E.g. in Premier League the White EPL is used most of the time, but then in winter the yellow EPL ball is used.
#757612 SS' kits 23/24 WIP Thread
Day Tripper
I can see that there are lots of kits on the submissions page that are nearly a complete pack, but not yet available to download with the config file.
Is there anyway of getting the config files early, so that we can add kits to the game as and when they are uploaded, rather than having to wait for the whole pack? @bolid74
#757598 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Ok, I got it! Final question - would it be possible through editing to replace the Bund logo with, say, La Liga instead?
So, you have TV logo for league games, Euro for Euro games, EFL for EFL games and then La Liga logo for watching a La Liga game?
#757592 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Ok, sorry mate!
So, just so I know I got this right…
Whatever is set as TV Logo will show in any league game?
Euro logo will show in any European competition?
EFL logo will show in any Football League game and also Carabao Cup and EFL Trophy?
Bund logo will only show in Bundesliga games?
#757588 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Thank you! So, if say I have a save with a Premier League team, will the league matches show the logo the EFL logo or the TV logo? And then European matches will show the Euro logo? And I could add a fourth logo that would show if say I watched an Italian game and I had the Italian TV logo set.
What logo would show if I watched a game in another random league, say France?
#757581 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
So the four that will be in the game - how does the game decide which logo is used for each match?
#757574 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Also @DazS8 your read me file says to delete the comp folder completely in the match panels folder and replace with yours?
However your folders only have one file in, like so:
Whereas the default ones in Flut's folders have multiple files, like so:
Will it not mess things up if all these files are deleted and only replaced by the one in your folder?
#757573 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean? I've copied over some of the files that you uploaded and my tv logos folder now looks like this…
What will this show in the game? Does it mean Italian games will have Italian TV logos, La Liga will have Spanish TV logos, etc?
Is there no config file to edit or place somewhere?
#757561 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Thank you. I've done the News files and that all works fine.
With the TV logos, I want the folders to be set up like yours (where you have a different folder for each country and competition) so that the TV logo is correct for each country and competition. I can see a lot of the logos are in the ALT folder in your download. If copy these into the right place and set up my folders like yours, do I need to change any Config files anywhere?
#757499 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Where is the location of the config file that you are adding the text to, please?
#757495 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
@DazS8 - Could you possibly send me this TV icons for different countries file so that I can use it too, please?
#757022 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Sorted it! Thank you!
#757019 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
I did that, and the only options I have are ‘DEBUG’, Save and Exit, or Load game,
#757016 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Hi @flut - I'm not sure if I am missing something obvious, but I cannot find the buttons to change the match speed and camera angles? Where are they, please?
I've attached an image of my match screen.
#756281 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2023/24 [v1.3]
Day Tripper
Does this work with FM24?
#756109 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Day Tripper
Is there an SS Kits colour correction file somewhere this year? I can't seem to find it.
#756101 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Day Tripper
Thank you. I'll add the League 2 kits and National League kits that have been done so far. Do you have config files that you can send me for these leagues, please?
#756097 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Day Tripper
Hi @bolid74 - thanks for your fantastic work, as always! Any idea when League 2 will be complete and then National leagues?
Also, in previous years, there have been pages on the forum for each of the leagues where kits are added as and when they are made - do you know where these pages are this year?
#755846 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
All sorted now!
#755835 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
#755833 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Day Tripper
Hi @flut - I am having the following issues with the skin. I cannot get the stadium pictures to display where they should. I've not had FM since 2021, but I used your Skin then and didn't have any problems then. Can you advise, please? Thank you for all your work and support.