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#817028 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Is it related to the facepack?
Not too sure… you may remove the facepack and see if it still freezes. Or, if you can't be bothered, then just go on holiday and see if the game advances.
#816864 Help with enhanced data update
#816847 Changing saves folder caused all hte graphics to dissapear
#816561 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
“it was just my question why the tool / filter doesn't catch every player.”
I actually think it makes sense this way…
Yes, it's convenient if an unemployed manager knows every single player in the world. However, I can't imagine that he knows much about my U18 squad.
Those players just entered my team 2 months ago, and I can't even remember how many they're… yet this outsider knows all their names? It's just kind of unrealistic. Let alone the fact that I'm just managing a small club in a semi-professional league…
Anyway, some said that the in-game editor may help select all players. Not sure if it means the same thing as in a player search… may check it out, if you're interested. Cheers!
#816517 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
The situation is that you're going to meet some players without photos anyway.
For example, I usually do the newgen photo assignment at the end of every season (English Premier League, i.e. June). But, the fact is that some countries have different youth intake dates, e.g. September or October in Argentina, Brazil, Sweden,…
That means you're going to encounter some newgen players with no photos in the game… until you run the tool next time.
Yes, you may do the photo assignment every month or every 3 months. Or, may just take it easy and enjoy the game.
#816485 Ultra Realistic NewGan Faces - AI Generated Facepack for Football Manager
Did you misunderstand what this newgen facepack is for?
These images are for fake players (and staff) generated by the game. There's no config.xml file included in the facepack, because every save game is different and generates different players and staff. Therefore, anyone's config.xml file is useless for your game.
“no config is available so the tools wont work.””
Did you mean NewGAN Manager or FM.Z Tools? They're for generating the config.xml file. You may refer to the “Installation Instructions” and the video tutorial for detail. The information is for players, but it's similar for staff.
Reference: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/63827/ultra-realistic-newgan-faces-ai-generated-facepack-for-football-manager
#816393 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
In most tutorials, people suggest using a new and unemployed manager to find newgens and export the list. But the fact is that just not everyone are there on the list. The obvious example is the U18 squad of the team you're managing. From my experience, often only a few of my U18 new boys get their newgen photos.
So, what I do is: Do it twice… build a list using a new and unemployed manager, and then another list with myself (the manager I'm playing), mainly for my new youth intakes.
This way should cover more players… Is it going to cover every newgen in the game? I don't think so, but should be the best you can do. Of course, if you only need to add photos to a few players, then you may just manually edit the config.xml file.
#816344 Game starting date is still summer in 23 after installing FM24/25 update?
#816319 Chido Obi-Martin (Man Utd)
OK, I just gave it a try:
In the config.xml file, it writes:
<record from="2002044048" to="graphics/pictures/person/2002044048/portrait"/>
So, it works…
#816315 Chido Obi-Martin (Man Utd)
The duplicate is caused by other custom databases you're using, as they've added their own Chido Obi.
For the folder location, it's up to you… as the game picks up all the config.xml files within “graphics”. So, “graphics\faces\faces” or whatever under “graphics” should be fine.
The key is to assign the images to the IDs of the players. I haven't really done it this way before, but I think just enter the IDs…
#816219 Chido Obi-Martin (Man Utd)
What do you think about placing the images in a new folder… inside the "graphics" folder?
No interference, easy to manage,…
By the way, what do you mean by “nothing happens”?
There are 2 parts: new players and their photos.
So, first things first, did you load up the editor data file successfully? Did you see those young players added to the Man Utd squad?
If they're not there, then obviously, the photos aren't shown anywhere in your game.
#816111 FM Tweaks match engines
More information (regarding to combining a sound pack with a match engine mod):
Audio Match Commentary / Crowd Atmosphere Pack by MetzFM:
Compare and merge match engine mods into one:
Comparing different match engine mods:
(with instructions on “How to install both match engine mod and sound pack” in the description)
In more depth:
“How the Football Manager Resource Archiver works” & “How to combine the sound pack with the physics engine”:
Guide to use the FM24 Resource Archiver:
*Please make sure you understand what happens first, and backup files… before making any moves.
#816038 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
These are about NewGan Manager, but may have a look:
#815984 Only buy players from club nation
#815859 help on downloads to Mac
Just a bit more information…
Part 1 is a small file, and obviously, it doesn't contain all the images. So, how can you get other pictures? Getting Part 2 to 9 directly from the server when extracting is still downloading them. It's just like watching live streams… you're actually downloading all the visual and audio data, just that they are saved in a temp/cache folder or wherever.
If it's alright to “download just part1 and extract”, then there's no point to have other 8 parts there for downloading. Better hide them on the server, and no reason to show them to the public… and no more confusion.
Even extracting the content from a 8G file on a local harddisk proves to be quite challenging for many people here. It could take many hours for an old computer. Extracting such a huge file while downloading from a remote server… no, it just doesn't work.
FM17 is back in the old days… There are just many more leagues and players in the game now, and therefore a much bigger file. Splitting it up into small chunks is more convenient and reliable.
#815854 help on downloads to Mac
“do I need to download each one BEFORE extracting them…”
If you don't download… you don't have the files on your computer, how can you access/extract them?
All the information is there… multiple times, actually:
Alternatively, you can go with the torrent file, which you can download the whole file of “2025.01.rar”.
It's not about age… you just need to slow down and read carefully.
P.S. It may be more effective to ask here: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/42998/metallic-logo-megapack-technical-support-thread
#815746 FM.Z Tools - Tool for creating config files for Ultra Realistic Newgen / Regen Faces (URAN Facepack Installer)
It's a simple step to check: Are the IDs of those players in the .rtf file you exported?
If the IDs aren't there, then obviously, no photo would be assigned to those players.
If this is the case, then the solution is straightforward: Include them in the list (or another list) in some ways and export again…
#815731 How can i fix the club names on the table?
OK, take a step at a time:
“I honestly thought that this problem would be fixed by the Real Names Fix, among other things.”
Are you sure it's related to the Real Name Fix? I'm not too sure… I mean, you should see a wave of reports (or complaints) in the forum here, if it causes the problem. OK, even if it does, it should be fixed by now… after these many months (You may check out the discussions anyway).
Do you mean “fixed by” or “caused by” the Real Name Fix? You may prove it this way: Did you see the same problem without applying the Real Name Fix? Or, try any real name fix from other sites?
Since the text is chopped this way, it may look more about skin, language, resolution, or text size, etc. It's up to you to investigate each of them.
If no result, then next question is: Did you install any editor data files? May test which one might have caused the issue.
#815729 Some icons not showing in game.
You do get some of the logos working, so may assume that it's not about the location of the folder or the cache.
Not sure about what logo pack (or packs) you've installed… but things basically work in the same way: an image, an ID (player, club, competition, etc.), and then assign the image to the ID in the config.xml file.
So, you may start with:
#815727 Weird bug related to real name fix/editor data files?
Free lunch?
Well, we have no idea what you've installed at all… can't even make a guess here. You're the person who holds the key to the solution.
Anyway, just create a new game, check a few things… I'm not too sure, but you should find the terms “Quarter Finals”, “Semi Finals” and “Finals” from somewhere like the stage chart, fixture or wherever, without actually playing/simulating a season to that stage.
“a bunch of editor data files” sounds a lot to test. Anyway:
#815673 Weird bug related to real name fix/editor data files?
“I installed a bunch of editor data files from the site, as well as the real name and japan fix.”
As you suggested… so take your time and try which one may have caused the issue.
#815319 Bilbao style rules
Not sure if this is what you want… a bit too complicated for me to follow all the detail.
#814596 Adding Downloads to the FM24 Game
How can anyone help?
May you take a minute and read your post again: All you said is only “things don't work”, that's all… It gives us no clue to possibly figure out what's wrong.
Before you want people to help, you need to help everyone first: Provide more information, please.
For example:
P.S. Apart from helping with more information, appreciate if you can also help people to read easier with the use of punctuations (maybe just me, sorry… so difficult to follow)… if you don't mind, thanks.
#813998 Ultra Realistic NewGan Faces - AI Generated Facepack for Football Manager
So, you've done it? What's the problem?
“Created another manager, completed a new search under shortlists and can see all these players have the ai faces”?
As explained here: “Step 6) Generating an RTF File in Football Manager”
That's why I usually do it twice:
One with a new unemployed manager (as explained in the above link), and then as myself (the club I'm managing).
The latter aims to cover all my U18 boys or possibly some others. Yes, a bit tedious, but I found that this way should cover as many newgens as possible… Does that mean every newgen in the game is included? No, I don't think so… but that's probably the most I can do.
#813996 Fm23 modded too fm24 or better
You don't seem to be very patient… After all, you're asking about a game released 3 years ago.
“Can i mod fm23 to fm24 standards?”
What exactly are “FM24 standards”? Do you mean the UI, match engine, features,… or anything specific? Comparing with FM24, what are missing in FM23 that you look to add? Forgive me, I can't recall anything significant, even if I did play both versions… it feels a long time ago.
“If not make it even better then fm24?”
Again, what's “better than FM24”? In your opinion, any areas in FM24 that are inadequate? Some examples, please?
Anyway, let's take a step forward:
Suppose you're not talking about tactics, facepacks, kits, logos, etc., you actually don't have that many to look at.
#813437 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
“Or is the first file the RAR file enough and I don't download the other parts anymore.”
The download page https://sortitoutsi.net/media/3371568/download writes “You need either the separate parts OR the torrent, not both. You will still need to get any update packs below.”, and at the bottom, it says “Make sure to Download All Parts before trying to install.”. So, you can either download the "sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_2025.00.rar” file via torrent, or download all 14 parts to get the same thing.
After that, you may download and install the update files, i.e. “…01_changes.rar” and so forth, to keep the content updated.
#813367 FM Tweaks match engines
A little summary here, in case anyone is interested or wondering what's going on…
Community Created Physics Engine Update and Match Engine Analysis
FM Tweak Project
Custom match engines
FM24 Match Physics Mod
Some Gameplays:
*If you don't bother to read anything above, then may watch these videos first. However, please read and make sure you understand what it's all about… before installing anything.
Installation Instructions:
FMTweak Match Engine Manager (Unsigned at the moment, so not recommended… use at your own risk!)
*Please back up the original match engine file first!
Original Match Engine (just in case…):
#811935 Summer transfers
For example:
#811805 England - No foreigner limits
#811670 help on downloads to Mac