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#754936 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Thanks! Great work as always.
#344848 How exactly do updates work?
I think I'm having the same issue, it's asking to replace the folder - therefore the update folder with 500 logos does replace the folder with 40k. I'm sure I'm doing this wrong somehow as you'd be bombarded by questions! Any help you can give would be much appreciated.
#166418 Backgrounds Megapack Support
I have a query - when I'm in match mode the only stadiums i see are the Premier League ones, do you know why this is the case? Or do we only see backgrounds in Overview mode? I'm using Steklo skin, and would have thought when i go play a game at Barca for example I would see the Nou Camp in the background.
Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated,
#151388 Steklo X4
I have a couple of issues - first in my news feed nothing appears in my "subscription options" - so I have no control to unsubscribe to certain news stories.
Is this an issue you're aware of?
Also when I'm giving team talks I see the small 2d flat pitch in the background on top of the background image. Do you know if there is a way to remove that or is that in my preferences to turn off? It's just that I can't see an option to get rid of that anywhere.
Any help would be much appreciated and many thanks again for creating an awesome skin.