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#406999 Unblocking and unlocking clubs and national teams
Fat Penlon
#406998 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Fat Penlon
OK. Good work on what you have done hopefully more can help at some point.
Can a template be made available or basic layers for the shape and the shade and basic outline on what effects to add so other people can have a go? more people with the template and style means more people adding kits maybe?
#406510 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Fat Penlon
#406371 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Fat Penlon
#406367 Hibernian [Old Request]
Fat Penlon
#405980 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Fat Penlon
Sorry if links are not allowed. I can add just images if problem.
#298426 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
#294775 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
I disagree Thats why I included the same staff images in the request because they could be improved a lot.
The default images are never great quality or cuts
#294657 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
The Hibs pack was removed from the first post. Has this been done and added?
Will they not be better quality than the sports interactive default images? They're not usually the best quality.
#292577 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
Like this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/my34u6rimmulfqi/Hibernian.zip?dl=0
Some of the cutouts are the same as the megapack as the original cutouts are a bit rough
#292568 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Fat Penlon
Oh is that an upcoming update or one that I need to add separately?
I downloaded the megapack recently and the logos are the same and the alternate is still the same too.
alt normal
#292384 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
That is the only pack I have uploaded? There should only be one pack in my post and on the link.
If you're talking about the one in thread OP it's someone else's request but the pack didn't have staff.
#292382 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Fat Penlon
The normal metallic logo needs a white border to stand out.
#292263 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
Included some staff already cutout where the original cutout was blurry or badly cut.
Hibernian F.C.
#284828 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
#227400 Shiny 14/15
Fat Penlon
Cheers, I prefer the look of the shiny logos but was just wondering how comprehensive the coverage is in terms of the top leagues across nations at least.
Also I was a bit worried as it appeared that not all of the competition logos have been working or correct.
The only reason I have used metallic is because it has the most logos, the style doesn't work well for as many logos as this pack does.
Keep up the good work everyone, I hope this continues to expand.
#219393 Shiny 14/15
Fat Penlon
Great thanks!! Ive noticed you have posted on all the logo types….
Can you recommend which is the best to use and how many logos each type has? ESS or Shiny or Metallic? I don't know which logo type to go for.
#219391 Requests
Fat Penlon
Much better thanks!! The original one was a very bad attempt.
#218191 Shiny 14/15
Fat Penlon
#218190 Requests
Fat Penlon
The colour is also wrong. It is too bright and not that green.
#218185 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Fat Penlon
The current logo is difficult to see in-game compared to others.
#218132 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Fat Penlon
Player ID: 87001052
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 87001052
Adjusted colour & lighting
#218131 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Fat Penlon
Adjusted colour & lighting
#217719 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Fat Penlon
I have tried the resource archiver but once when I try to extract the correct file the program just restarts.
Can someone do the cutouts of this pack, some of the images may not be improvements or have different IDs so I didn't want to request this in the teampack thread. Some images don't have all of the heads but that's okay, if anyone can just cutout normally and forget about some of them having their hair cut in half! Any help would be appreciated
Hibernian 1575
#214651 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Fat Penlon
Hibernian don't have a third kit, hibernian_3 is last season's away kit with a different sponsor on. Can I remove this .png without it creating a third kit in-game?
#104959 Official Teampack Request Thread - Read the OP before requesting
Fat Penlon
Absolutely fantastic! I can never find any decent Hibs images and you've already posted up the current squad photos in a great resolution.
My only problem is, where does Vine's chin end?!
#69241 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Fat Penlon
The watermark isn't just for decoration… Take the hint.
#69116 2-2-1-3-2
Fat Penlon
They are Sky Sports' logos for the clubs.
#69115 On a Little Trip to Scotland..
Fat Penlon
#69114 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Fat Penlon
The away shorts are the same colour as the home shirt IRL.
Good work though whoever puts the time into making the 3D kits.