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#408931 Changing team name with FM Editor problem
In Football Manager 2017, I'm trying to change a team short name (from "Hamburger SV" to just "Hamburg" using the recent data update and through the FM Editor, but I can't seem to get it sorted.
I load the Official 17.3 database, then I load the "load data editor", presumably I then choose "Club & League changes" file and finally "save editor data". But then any changes that I saved in the editor don't appear in the game and I've still got "Hamburger SV" as the short name.
Can anyone help? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
#264243 Steklo X5
I'd like these changes implemented as well, if possible. Also, is there any chance that the player pic could be reduced back to the normal size? Or is there a way we can edit that ourselves?
Otherwise, fantastic work and your time and effort is much appreciated!
#234995 Megapack - Missing image request thread
Player ID: 14047152
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for 14047152
Many thanks in advance