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#669252 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Hey, thanks for that - yep, sorry, i did actually spot that myself also and amend it to third but it still doesn't pull through. So i am still experiencing the same issue.
great spot nonetheless
#669149 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Hey there, can somebody assist me… i am trying to add in the short sleeve kits into my game. I've followed the guides above and also watched the clip but that doesn't appear to be resolving anything. Here's the scenario…
I put the kits in and the home and away (and the third for the majority of the teams) does work. But for some it doesn't populate - i'll use Norwich as an example (i'm having this problem with about 8 teams throughout the full 9 tiers) ;
here are the kits i've added into my deal pack;
the config file is edited accordingly;
i then go in the game - preferences; refresh the skin, but only the home and away seems to populate (the third kit comes through as a fake kit) -
I then used the edit in game to add a third strip (like in the youtube video above) - put all the colours in etc, pressed okay -
but unlike when in the video he presses okay and allow licensed kits and it sorts out the problem - mine still doesn't populate? (i have then gone into preferences and reload skin etc) - but nothing.
would you know why?
*note - i know there is nothing wrong with the PNG image file, as i tested by swapping norwich_2 with the norwich_3 pic and the same thing happened, just obviously the pic changed.
#668945 England - English Leagues Level 7-13 SS'2021/22 Relink! (13/11/22)