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#397118 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
game choices, do not depend on the files
#397112 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Kevin Lejeune is missed you right, carrasso at 31.8.17
now it fixed thanks for report ------> DOWNLOAD HERE FMF SEASON UPDATE
#396987 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
our works set to begin in 2017
#396828 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
the save file was created using the latest update so you with all the transfers
#396723 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
U must select iceland 2 may 2017, is written on topic mate
#396655 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Revised player's contract at 09/09
Players/Staff members/Manager according to Trasfermarkt at 09/09
File with Real Madrid winner Champions league and Manchester United winner Europa League
#396312 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
All our works are set to begin at 2 may 2017
#396311 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Unfortunately not only fm17 edition, not depende about us but editor 😉
#395372 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
#395361 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
some players have been improving ca / pa
#395360 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
nope, touch version don't support editing file
#395350 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
you need to unpack the files using a program like winrar in your editor data folder
Obviously, the files in the shorlist folder go to the same on your pc
C:/Users/"user name"/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/editor data*
C:/Users/"user name"/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/shortlist*
* you have to create this folder if it doesn't exist, by paying attention to give it the right name
#395109 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
probably, not sure
#395108 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
- download and unpack all files contained in the editor data folder (except shortlist folder) making sure that the only ones in the folder (other files might conflict)
- create a new game by choosing the default database (not 17.3) flagged and selecting the nations (and season update) you are interested in from those in the pack
- select Iceland so you can leave the date 2 May 2017 with the full real results
Databases and all our work is set to begin in 2017
These are the correct steps, obviously the original game is required
#395055 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
first u must select default database and not 17.3 update
if u want the real result u must select the nation, for example Italy u must select serie A and Serie B if u want the promotion real. In that case only verona and spal are secure (benevento win the playoff and that is not repicable with editor), oviously where there isn't real result the promotion are random
#395053 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
now is online
#395052 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Revised player's contract at 01/09
Players/Staff members/Manager according to Trasfermarkt at 01/09
#394801 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
read all the istruction
#394346 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
all transfer are in according with transfermarkt at date indicate to update
There will be a further upgrade to the market ended
Remember that the transfer are in real date
#394117 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
nope, this update is on 21th August. Dembele go to Barcellona at 25th August
#393600 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Both are in Sporting CP (Doumbia will arrive at 1/7/2017)
#392869 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Revised player's contract at 21/08
Players/Staff members/Manager according to Trasfermarkt at 21/08
#391007 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
If you should, please let us know so we can try to fix the problem
thank you
#390870 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
- download and unpack all files contained in the editor data folder (except shortlist folder) making sure that the only ones in the folder (other files might conflict)
- create a new game by choosing the default database (not 17.3) flagged and selecting the nations (and season update) you are interested in from those in the pack
- select Iceland so you can leave the date 2 May 2017 with the full real results
These are the correct steps, obviously the original game is required (not sure working of non original game)
#390455 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
All our work is set to begin in 2017, from transfers to real results. Our purpose is recreating how far it can be done with the editor the reality, so everything is in real time
#389776 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Revised player's contract at 03/08
Players/Staff members/Manager according to Trasfermarkt at 03/08
#389548 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Unfortunately no, the editor does not allow it
#389322 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
thanks to u mate
#389294 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
Revised player's contract at 31/07
Players/Staff members/Manager according to Trasfermarkt at 31/07
#388947 [FM2017] FMF SEASON (an FM18 preview) - Data Updates & REAL RESULTS COMPLETE Update 09/09 over 89000 changes DB
We have tried to make a selection of the best European championships, the Romanian championship additionally has a very special formula that includes playoff championship and relegation group. The regular season would end in March after which it would be all the same for both categories, unable to play the playoffs in the relegation group (it's a limit on the editor that they can not replicate). You understand that the possibility of doing everything as in reality is almost impossible. We already have Belgium with a similar problem, so we decided to bet on other sorry