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#681260 custom skin mixed Kojuro, Zealand + TCS based)
Done! It wasn't my intention to cause any problems. Sorry @Bluestillidie00
#660636 Full name & Logo - Match scoreboard
Extract the file in your documents/FM folder.
After that, clear cache, reload your skin and that should be it.
#660621 Full name & Logo - Match scoreboard
#641413 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
Thank you so much for your fast reply. I really didn't know that you need to predict exact result even if that was a penalties. Prediction suppose to be for final score (90min + o.t.) but ok.
#641389 Prediction League for Euros and Copa America
It's a shame that final result doesn't count, final score Italy - Spain 1:1 but it says that's incorrect since they go to penalties.
More similar results..
#580804 TCS skin FM21 v.1
#573497 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
Zebre is changed to Juventus and Champions league as well.
I am planning to start a new save when full game is released and I will check it.
Thanks again
#573490 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
#566719 PES regen faces into FM
I will upload some new soon
#538399 PES regen faces into FM
#538398 PES regen faces into FM
I will upload more versions, no problem.
#535476 Attacking midfielder / behind the strikers
AM (a) is always the best option since you have several options to change his movement depending on opponent you're facing. (move into channels, roam, etc.).
#535474 Help with custom kits please
It should be simple with adding ID in config files like hammer9 said.
#535472 PES regen faces into FM
Unfortunately there is no video. I will help you to understand how to change it.
1. Open your config file with notepad where are your player faces are in Graphics folder.
2. Open your folder where are regen faces pictures.
3. Player you want to change have unique ID.
4. Rename picture of regen you want to add with ID of regen from the game you want to be changed. Copy and paste into your graphics folder where are your player faces.
5. In config file add a line <record from="1915678692" to="graphics/pictures/person/1915678692/portrait"/> (1915678692 is ID from my game, that should be your regen ID)
6. Save and close config file.
7. In game preferences, clear cache and reload. Make sure you have unticked cache option
#524349 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
I need those sounds for my FM18.
Do you think you can guide Me aswell?
There is a explanation step by step, it's easy.
#520828 PES regen faces into FM
Copy player face into folder where are all faces. Rename that picture as ID from the game (player ID)
Open config file with notepad and change values, etc. <record from="1915494434" to="graphics/pictures/person/1915494434/portrait"/> (1915494434 is ID from the game)
clear cache and reload. make sure you have unticked first option
#520825 PES regen faces into FM
Working! You are not doing something as it described
#508730 FM2020 Challenge League Sign Up Thread
#505657 PES regen faces into FM
It does work..
#505267 PES regen faces into FM
First, you need to have ID of regen you want to change. After, go to folders with PES regens faces and use any of them.. whatever you like, rename it with ID of regen. Copy that picture in your graphics folder where are all faces. Open your config file and add your new player face with this line: <record from="player_ID" to="graphics/pictures/person/player_ID/portrait"/>
Save config file, reload your skin.
Make sure you have unticked caching for decrease loading pages, clear catche and reload skin.
#505083 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
any chance there will be fm20 version?
#497189 PES regen faces into FM
Each face you are using on one player since you need to change config file which is unique to one player.
I don't know when regens retired would other regen got the same ID but I think that is not possible.
#496115 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
Found it! Cheers mate (:
#495973 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
#495947 Crossing problem
the main problem are your CWB's. Their role instruct them to 'cross more often' so only thing you can do is to change their role.
They are too attacking and switching to WB could work for you. Of course, you can set PI to your WB's to go forward but you can control their crosses.
#494517 4-2-3-1 with EG (possession/attacking)
Depending of opposition you can choose attack wider or narrow.
Huge success with developing EG role!