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#577846 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
Claudio Trindade
please solve the scoreboard problem.
The names of the teams appear with a maximum of 6 letters.
The ideal would be as in the previous Fm's, where the names of the teams appeared complete.
#577627 Material Skin 2.0.21 V2.1 [FULL TEAM NAME IN MATCH SCOREBOARD] by
Claudio Trindade
Is it possible in the score bar, do you put the full name of the team?
for example, BARÇA X R MDRD is appearing.
The ideal would be to appear Barcelona v Real Madrid.
#575919 Material Skin 2.0.21 V2.1 [FULL TEAM NAME IN MATCH SCOREBOARD] by
Claudio Trindade
The scoreboard for example, the teams' names appear abbreviated and we don't have the logos and colors
#575806 Material Skin 2.0.21 V2.1 [FULL TEAM NAME IN MATCH SCOREBOARD] by
Claudio Trindade
but, like all other skins, the game time interface is very ugly, the teams names appear abbreviated and neither the logo nor the team colors appear. The scoreboard is horrible on this FM
#189869 FM2014 Live Data Update
Claudio Trindade
yes, but I say that in fm2014, the loans added manually starting in 2014, have no effect when starting a game, did not take this type of update within the game.
This is a problem because most of the transfers are on loan
Sorry my bad English.
#189400 FM2014 Live Data Update
Claudio Trindade
then do not have how to harness the loans ..
it's useless
#189368 FM2014 Live Data Update
Claudio Trindade
In this update, there are loans starting in 2014, Therefore, have no effect when starting a new game.
#188555 Official Data Update Souzie - loans have no effect
Claudio Trindade
In this update, there are loans starting in 2014, Therefore, have no effect when starting a new game.
Gave it to understand what I mean now?
#188440 Official Data Update Souzie - loans have no effect
Claudio Trindade