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#675156 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
I really love the metallic logo pack, but I have a small problem and since I don't have photoshop I am unable to “metalize" the logo I'm looking for myself.
It's the logo for the German 3rd Division club MSV Duisburg - which is included in the pack - but sadly in a form that doesn't work on dark backgrounds like in FM. I uploaded the logo with white outlines thats used most of the time officially on non white backgrounds. If somebody could help me make it metallic it would be greatly appreciated. If its too hard i added the alternative logo without the zebra thats just a circular badge, maybe thats a bit easier.
Thank you very much!
#673631 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Hello, first of all the files work like a treat, thank you very much for this.
I just have one little bit of input to add.
I play the game in German and maybe with a few but at least with one major competition, the Champions League, the german article is wrong. I browsed a bit and found out, that adding the line ""COMP_GENDER_CHANGE" 1301394 2 "German"" to the “Competitions and other Fixes” file fixes this.
I didn't check every competition in the game, but with the Champions League it was the most jarring because it's regularly coming up in my FM-Inbox.
Maybe you could look into that, or just add this line of code (if it doesn't trouble other stuff) for your next official release,
Thank you once again for your great work!
It seems to be the case for the Europa League and Europa Conference League as well, the lines for the files are
"COMP_GENDER_CHANGE" 1301396 2 "German"
"COMP_GENDER_CHANGE" 31051584 2 "German"
for these